
Year: 2020

quiet time for toddlers

Quiet Time for Toddlers — Dropping the Afternoon Nap

Quiet Time for Toddlers — Dropping the Afternoon Nap Dropping the afternoon nap in favor of quiet time can bring a big transition for the whole family. Many families ask about the appropriate age to drop their naps for good. On average children give up th...
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baby and toddler naps

Baby and Toddler Naps — Everything You Need to Know

Baby and Toddler Naps — Everything You Need to Know Many parents assume that nighttime is the only time that we should worry about our baby’s and toddler’s sleep. What parents often don’t realize is how important naps really are to babies’ dev...
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cosleeping with multiple children

Cosleeping with Multiple Children: The Family Bed

Cosleeping with Multiple Children: The Family Bed A family bed — a fancy name for instances when parents are cosleeping with multiple children in a ‘family’ bed — is quite common. Although not many families talk about it, they do need to consider wh...
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nap training child

Toddler Naps: Nap or Not to Nap for My 4 Year Old?

Toddler Naps: Nap or Not to Nap for My 4 Year Old? A reader wrote in this question about toddler naps: “I am struggling. Does my 4 year old need a nap? On weekdays, she goes to 1/2 day preschool, naps afterwards in her room with dim lights and a sound mac...
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cosleeping toddler

Cosleeping Toddler: Teaching Independent Sleep in Your Bed

Cosleeping Toddler: Teaching Independent Sleep in Your Bed At some point, everyone needs to learn to put themselves to sleep, and that includes your cosleeping toddler. The point of cosleeping is to allow everyone in the family to sleep well. That also means th...
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co sleeping newborn

Safe Cosleeping: Creating a Safe Environment for your Baby

Safe Cosleeping: Creating a Safe Environment for your Baby How you choose to sleep is personal, and if you choose to co-sleep, there are a few things you need to know in order to be safe and secure. Parents need to ask themselves a few questions before they mak...
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