The Gentle Sleep Solution
for Children Sleeping in Beds

Make Your Child’s Bedtime a
Dream Come True in as Little
as Two Weeks!
(If your child is under 2.5 years or in a crib, click here for Gentle Baby Sleep Solutions)
Our 100% gentle sleep training solution is evidence-based, connection-centered,
and taught by the creator of the renowned Sleep Lady Shuffle® (aka Parental Fading) Method…
We are confident we can help your family get back to sleep!
"Mom… can I have another drink of water…"
"But.. but… I'm not tired yet!"
"Can I sleep with you… just one more night?"
If you’re here, you’ve likely tried everything to help your child fall asleep IN THEIR OWN BED…
And after spending your days enjoying your child’s sweet, curious, emerging personality…
The nightly bedtime power struggles are wearing your patience thin.
You know you could show up as an amazing parent (and person!)... if everyone could JUST get some rest! But…
Every night seems like yet
another struggle with:
Bedtime Routines
You have no routine in place and rely on laying with, hand holding, or rocking your child to fall asleep. This process takes a loooooong time and dips into your own nighttime routine.
Staying In Bed
Your child will happily get in bed at bedtime, but frequently wakes up, asking you to come to their bed… or if they can spend the night in yours. And after returning your child to their bed multiple times, you end up losing patience… and then everyone feels bad (and sleepy)!
Early Rising
Your child is up before the sun ever since moving to a bed — not ideal. And all of the color-coded alarm clocks and creative toy placements aren’t helping you get that extra hour (or more) of sleep you all need.
We are fans of safe co-sleeping, but only when it’s a choice. Many parents accidentally began co-sleeping just to get through the night… but struggle to transition their child to their own bed. Sound familiar?
We know that as a loving parent you want to help your child get the rest they need in a way that supports the bond you’ve nurtured...
And you’re not willing to sacrifice their emotional health and wellbeing with sleep training strategies that leave all involved shedding a few tears.

As a mom of two beautiful daughters,
I was once a tired parent like you…
I was desperately looking for sleep help that was gentle -- and didn’t require me to leave my child to cry it out alone.
(I hated hearing my child cry just as much as I'm sure you do!)
I want you to know that a good night's sleep is within reach.
Your child can start sleeping better in two weeks with our Gentle Sleep Solutions (...even if you’re breastfeeding, or have previously sleep trained!)

Your family has a struggle-free, connection-filled bedtime routine
Your child sleeps peacefully in their own bed, through the night, every night… and so do you!
Consistent, predictable, and age-appropriate naps happen near-effortlessly each day
You have a CLEAR PLAN to make proven, connection-based changes to your child’s bedtime routine
Hiring a sitter to watch your sleeping child without fear of them waking in the night is finally a possibility
You’re able to nurture your healthy attachment and bond with your child at bedtime
It’s possible to finally relax and have some adult time in the evening while your child gets the restful night’s sleep they need to grow and thrive!
I promise your child can learn how to sleep better, and that you are not alone or failing as a parent.
“You saved our family!”
You helped my husband I and get our three children back on track when we were about to lose our minds. The children are happier than ever now that they are sleeping well (usually 12 hours a night for all three) and so are my husband and I.
Elizabeth Martin,

The Gentle Sleep Solution
for Parents of Children in Beds (2.5-6yo)
Our 100% gentle, respectful, and inclusive sleep solution is evidence-based, connection-centered,
and taught by Kim West, the creator of the renowned Sleep Lady Shuffle ® Method.
It includes 120 minutes of easy-to-follow videos, and a personalized sleep plan review with one of our
Gentle Sleep Coaches® to answer any questions you have before getting started.
Our simple-yet-effective sleep training method…
Supports healthy attachment that is essential to your child’s emotional well being
Offers evidence-based, and developmentally appropriate sleep advice
Has a 98% success rate with a variety of families with different needs and circumstances
Is taught by the creator of the only alternative to the cry-it-out method, and the founder of the
worldwide Gentle Sleep Coach industry

How does it work?
We know with any changes to a child’s routine, some tears may come… With our 100% Gentle Solution, we use a multi-tiered approach that allows your child to be involved in creating their sleep plan and helps them slowly transition as they learn the skill of putting themselves to sleep independently in a way that builds their self-esteem.
Thousands of preschoolers have proudly shared their Certificates of Accomplishment to grandparents, teachers, friends, and neighbors!
We have found our Gentle Sleep Solutions have a 98% success rate when the family is consistent with following the provided guidelines.
When we say gentle sleep solutions, we mean it.
We are never going to tell you to lock your child in their room or leave them to cry in their bed by themselves.
“We tried every method we could
get our hands on…”
This worked for my daughter who, at three years old, had slept through the night less than a dozen times in her life.
We tried every method we could get our hands on and stuck to each of the methods for long enough that we should have seen some progress.
Nothing but Gentle Sleep Solutions worked.

Meet Kim West, LCSW-C
aka- The Sleep Lady
Kim is a licensed family therapist and mother of two daughters. She has personally helped over 20,000 tired parents all over the world get a good night’s sleep… without letting their children cry it out alone.
She remembers the courageous moment when she decided to follow her intuition on how to care for, raise, feed, and gently get her babies back to sleep.
With each passing day, she had numerous parents reaching out to her for solutions for their baby’s sleep problems.
Kim felt compelled to step up to the plate, and share her proven method with parents who needed solutions, like, last night… and knew she could not help everyone herself.
She created the ONLY alternative to the Cry-It-Out method, The Sleep Lady Shuffle® (aka Parental Fading), and sparked a global industry- Baby and Child Sleep Consulting.
Kim successfully used her Shuffle method with thousands of children in beds and quickly gained international recognition as “The Sleep Lady”, a nickname bestowed on her by a 3-year-old “client!”


Sign up for Gentle Sleep Solutions and you’ll receive…
Instant Access to 120 Minutes of Easy-to-Follow Video Tutorials
We cover all of the most common concerns including crying, creating a bedtime routine, napping, and
gently weaning off laying down with, rocking, hand-holding, pacifiers, bottles, or other sleep crutches.
You will have access to the video modules for 4 months, which is plenty of time
to foster healthy sleep habits and develop a comprehensive sleep plan for your child.

Here’s just a sampling of what we cover:
Sleep Averages + Sleep Facts
Reasonable Expectations
Understanding Tears
How To Prep For Sleep Coaching Success
What To Do BEFORE You Start Sleep Coaching
Understanding “Drowsy But Awake”
The Rules For The First 3 Nights Of The Shuffle
Ending Crib Side Service
Ending Co-Sleeping
How to Create a Sleep Plan
Weaning Off the Pacifier and/or Bottle
Nap Coaching
What To Do When Your Child Is Up Before Dawn!
How To Know When Your Toddler Is Ready For The “BIG” Bed Transition
Creating A Soothing Bedtime Routine
A Personalized Sleep Plan
Creating a thorough sleep plan that you can easily and confidently
follow, is essential to the sleep coaching process.
We will walk you through creating your own sleep plan using our
asy-to-use template and show you how to customize to your
child’s and family’s unique needs.
Your Sleep Plan Tutorial includes:
Create Your Successful Sleep Plan Video
Downloadable Sleep Plan Worksheet
Figure out your Wakeful Windows Video
Select your Start Date and add it to your calendar

1:1 Gentle Sleep Coach ® Sleep Plan
& Assessment Review
After you've watched the videos and created your sleep plan, you can meet 1:1, with a Gentle Sleep Coach ® (GSC) for a personal review!
During this 45 min private consultation (held via video or phone call) your GSC will fully review your plan, answer your questions, calm your nerves, and coach you through any potential roadblocks.
They will also help you pick a start date and begin your journey to improved sleep!
We know from our 10+ years of experience that every family is different. Everyone has unique challenges that need to be addressed with a customized approach. And a 100% DIY course can only take you so far.
That’s why we decided to include this special 1:1 session because it will give you the BEST chance at success and help you really take full advantage of this program!
The Sleep Lady® Facebook Group
You are FAR from alone in this struggle. Connect with like-minded parents and our Gentle Sleep Coach in this private, safe space. Ask questions, connect with other parents, receive feedback and more!
We’re Here to Make Sure You Succeed!
Along the way, you’ll receive timely follow-up tips that will help you through every step of the sleep training process. You can also hire your GSC for additional 1:1 support.

All for Only $247
Gentle Sleep Solutions Video Course (120 Minutes of Video Tutorials)
Personalized Sleep Plan
1:1 Gentle Sleep Coach ® Sleep Plan & Assessment Review
The Sleep Lady® Facebook Group
You will have access to the video modules for 4 months, which is plenty of time to foster healthy sleep habits and develop a comprehensive sleep plan for your child.
Our Gentle Sleep Solution has a 98% success rate, so we are confident that we can help you help your child develop healthy sleep habits.
We know that sometimes it's the smallest and most subtle things that create obstacles in sleep training success, so make sure you’ve accessed all of the resources available before you throw in the towel.
If within 5 days you’ve gone through the course and it's not what you were expecting we will send you a full refund of your purchase price. However, we can not offer a refund after you have met with your Gentle Sleep Coach.
Gentle Sleep Training Siblings?
We offer two courses - one specifically for children ages 2 ½-6 and one for babies 6 months - 2 ½.
Click Here to purchase both programs, and receive 50% off the second course!
“The most developmentally appropriate…”
I have reviewed many ‘sleep training’ practices and have found yours to be the most developmentally appropriate, adaptable to each unique child and the examples are great for harried parents! thank you for your common sense approach!
Laura Bangart, RN

“I initially tried Babywise, but that just didn’t resonate…”
My baby started out sleeping great, but then she got sick around 5 months old and got in the habit of waking up every 3 hours.
By 6 months old I was desperate. I initially tried Babywise, but that just didn’t resonate with me. This more gentle approach was perfect for us and by night #3 she slept 12 hours and I feel like a new person.

“We had a bedsharing co-sleeper…”
We started sleep training at 7 months using another method and I was horrified! I refused to believe I couldn’t sleep train my infant without hours and hours of crying! We had a bedsharing co-sleeper, who ate 2-3 times a night minimum!
With very few tears and only two tough nights, after a week of sleep training, we had an independent sleeper!! He also was down to 2 feedings all on his own. Within a week as his self-soothing improved … he was down to one feed, with no effort on my part!
Within another week he cut night feeds totally ?? We now have a 10-month-old boy who goes to bed at 6:30 and wakes at 6 am.
Jill, parent to a 3 year old

“I went without solid sleep for 12 months…”
I went without solid sleep for 12 months and I was losing my mind. My husband helped me with the new bedtime routine and within 3 simple nights it only took me 5 minutes to put my son to bed and he started sleeping through the night.
It is now 4.5 months later and bedtime is still simple AND my son is still sleeping through the night… which means I am too!!! When he wakes up he knows how to put himself back to sleep instead of screaming for mommy.
Happy Rested Mom

Here’s How To Get Started:
- Click the “I’m Ready…” button below
- Enter your details, then check your email
- Follow the link in your email and get immediate access to the Gentle Sleep Solutions Course
- Feel confident that you can help your child get a great night’s sleep, every night…
Even if you’ve tried sleep training before, you can succeed with our proven, inclusive gentle sleep methods.
But in order to be successful in your sleep training journey, we need some things from you…
First, be patient with yourself and your child. Your child is learning a new skill, and that takes time.
Second, our 1:1 session will make sure you have a solid plan to help your child sleep. We recommend meeting with your GSC before you start sleep coaching to make sure you are set up for success!
It’s time to enjoy the magic of parenting again…
Children are only small for a short time… and when everyone is well-rested it's easy to enjoy their sweet smiles and curious personality of feeling worn down and too exhausted to fully support them through their overtired meltdowns.
My team of Gentle Sleep Coaches and I are here to take the guesswork and frustration out of helping your child develop healthy sleep habits… so you can get back to enjoying their childhood!

Your Questions Answered
A GSC / Gentle Sleep Coach ® goes through a rigorous training program and mentorship created by Kim and her faculty of pediatric development experts. They are required to complete continuing education, pass two exams and work with 3 families before becoming certified. Once certified they have access to mentorship and are required to complete ongoing continued education.
Our Gentle Sleep Coaches are available to answer clarifying questions about your sleep plan in your 1:1 consultation.
Just like with any milestone, it takes time to develop a new skill. Most families who are committed to the process begin to see success within 2-3 weeks.
Yes, our gentle sleep methods are inclusive and work for children with special needs. You may want to consider hiring your GSC for ongoing support in the sleep coaching process which can take a tad longer than coaching neurotypical children.
Absolutely! If you are doing nap coaching on the weekends only, this process may take a bit longer.
We will ask you to work with your daycare provider to support your child’s daytime sleep needs. We are creative problem-solvers – and we have seen it all!
You will have access to the video modules for 4 months, which is plenty of time to foster healthy sleep habits and develop a comprehensive sleep plan for your child.
You are not alone and we want you to improve your whole family’s sleep! We offer two different courses – one specifically for children in beds and one for babies in cribs.
You can purchase both programs for $336….that is 50% off the second course.
© 2022 Baby Sleep Coaching by the Sleep Lady - All Rights Reserved.
The testimonial statements are made by actual clients and represent reported results for the services offered by these providers.
Consultants do not offer medical advice. If you have any medical concerns you should consult your doctor.