
Last updated on April 3rd, 2024

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Kim West, MSW, Mom of 2, creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle

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Help us celebrate National Sleep Awareness Week by participating in our, “Cutest Sleeping Baby Contest.” Enter a picture of your sleeping child on our Facebook Page for a chance to win a book by The Sleep Lady- Kim West, and a Swaddle Sleepsack. Be sure to share your personal entry link with friends and family; the picture with the most votes, wins!
*Please be aware that photo entries may be used on our website. If you do not wish to have your child’s picture on our website, please send us a Facebook message after entering the contest so we can make a note of this.
Contest voting begins March 4 at 12:01 EST and ends March 11 at 11:59 EST. Only 1 entry per family. Enter here: https://www.facebook.com/TheSleepLady


Help us celebrate National Sleep Awareness Week by participating in our, “If My Baby Slept Better” contest. Tweet to @TheSleepLady and finish the sentence, “If my baby/child slept better…” Fun and creative responses are encouraged! Don’t forget to use #SleepWeek at the end of your tweet! We’ll choose our favorite response, the winner will receive a book by The Sleep Lady – Kim West, and a Swaddle Sleepsack.
*Please be aware that your tweet may be displayed on our website and/or other social sites.
Contest voting begins March 4 at 12:01 EST and ends March 11 at 11:59 EST.

photo credit: JasonTromm via photopin cc

Author: Kim West, MSW, Mom of 2, creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle

My name is Kim West, and I’m the mother of two beautiful girls, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has been a practicing child and family therapist for more than 21 years, and the creator of the original gentle, proven method to get a good night’s sleep for you and your child. My sleep journey began when I started experimenting with gently shaping my daughter’s sleep by not following the conventional wisdom at the time. After having success (and then more success with my second daughter!), I began helping family and friends and my step-by-step method spread like wildfire, exactly like an excellent night of sleep for a tired parent should!