
Category: Baby Naps and Night Sleep Training

baby and child sleep questions

Baby and Child Sleep Questions: Your Questions, Answered

Baby and Child Sleep Questions: Your Questions, Answered Are you trying to get your 8-month-old to  nap? Do you have a 4-year-old Houdini who needs to stay in his bed? We get so many baby and child sleep questions, and many of them are repeated often. As a...
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nap training

Nap Training: How to Get Good Naps for Good Nights

Nap Training: How to Get Good Naps for Good Nights Naps are an essential part of both the baby and toddler sleep requirements. Naps allow little bodies to recharge and process the activities that have happened so far in their day. For some children, naps are a ...
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baby will not nap

My Baby Will Not Nap for Anyone But Grandma!

Would you like me to answer your baby sleep problem in my next video? If so, scroll down and submit your question in the comment section below. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog! Hi, I’m Kim West, the Sleep Lady. In ...
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