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Struggling with Your Baby or Toddler’s Sleep?

Does this sound familiar?

Bouncing Icon

Your child needs bouncing, rocking, or constant soothing to fall asleep

Waking Up Icon

They wake up the moment you put them down

Short Naps Icon

Naps are short—or don’t happen at all

Pacifier Icon

You’re stuck re-plugging the pacifier all night

Night Wakings Icon

Frequent night wakings leave you exhausted

Toddler Out of Bed Icon

Your toddler keeps getting out of bed multiple times a night

If you're feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and unsure where to start, you’re not alone — and help is here!

Book a Mini Sleep Call for Only $45!

Book Mini Sleep Call

Ask your most pressing sleep questions and get immediate, actionable tips.

Figure out the level of support your family truly needs—without committing to a full package upfront.

Mini Sleep Call FAQs

What is included?
A one-time, 20-minute call where you’ll receive personalized guidance for your child’s sleep struggles.
Do I need to prepare anything?
Yes! You’ll complete a short sleep intake form before your call.
What ages do you support?
We provide sleep solutions for children from newborn to 6 years old.
Will I receive a written sleep plan?
No, this call provides verbal coaching and advice. If you need a detailed written plan, a full coaching package may be a better fit.
What is the refund policy?
There are no refunds once your call is complete.
Can I reschedule?
Yes! You may reschedule your appointment once if needed.

Now our son is sleeping through the night, 12 hours straight, and taking two 90-minute naps during the day.

~ Jaime Geffner

No more leaving your child to cry it out alone

25 years of successfully helping families

1 million lives have been transformed

Learn About Our Sleep Training Packages

0 to 5 months

6 months to 6 years old
