
Now our son is sleeping through the night, 12 hours straight, and taking two 90 minute naps during the day. Mom and Dad are also sleeping through the night once againGentle Sleep Solutions saved our life, our business, our relationship, and our sanity!

~ Jaime Geffner

As Seen On:

Dr Phil
Good Morning America
Today Show

Baby Sleep Experts Who Help

First-Time Parents with baby
sleep difficulties

Parents Experiencing Sleep

Parents Facing Sleep

The constant waking and lack of sleep were pushing us to our limits—we were arguing, stressed, and felt like we were failing as parents

Gentle Sleep Coaching not only helped our baby sleep through the night, but it also brought peace and joy back to our family. It truly transformed our lives.

Sleep Training Packages

0 to 5 months

Our son is now able to be put down in the crib awake, falls asleep on his own, and sleeps straight from 8pm to 7am! We are all getting the sleep we so desperately need.

6 months to 6 years old

This worked for my daughter who, at three years old, had slept through the night less than a dozen times in her life. We tried every method we could get our hands on, but nothing worked except Gentle Sleep Solutions.

Choose Your Coach

Select the coach for you from our dream team

Step 1: Read About Them

Learn more about each coach's expertise and approach to coaching.

Read about them

Step 2: Watch a Video

See a personal introduction video from each Sleep Trainer.

Watch a video

Step 3: Choose a Package

Explore our coaching packages to find the best fit for your needs.

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Step 4: Select a Time

Find a convenient time to start your coaching sessions.

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No more leaving your child to cry it out alone

25 years of successfully helping families

1 million lives have been transformed



The Sleep Lady Shuffle is designed to teach your child an important lifelong skill: putting themselves to sleep even during challenging phases like sleep regression. We believe in responsive parenting, which means as we teach this skill, there is a balance between comforting a child and allowing them to learn to comfort themselves.

With the Sleep Lady Shuffle, we won’t promise you no tears, but we do aim for fewer tears, and we’ll never tell you to just shut the door and let your child cry alone in the dark. Responding to a cry is a nonnegotiable for us when sleep coaching with the Shuffle. By being present and emotionally available we reduce stress on ourselves and on our children so they can ease into sleeping and become a solid sleeper for life.

Part of the mission of the Sleep Lady Shuffle is to ease your concern about your child’s crying and help you see that it’s a way your child communicates with you. The Sleep Lady Shuffle isn’t a drastic, cry-it-out approach; it guides parents through step-by-step changes in bedtime, napping, and overnight routines that haven’t been working. It’s gentle sleep coaching and is family-centric, allowing parents to consider their values, philosophies, lifestyles, goals and temperaments. It works because it is not a one-size-fits-all concept.



Kim West the Sleep Lady

Before she was “The Sleep Lady,” Kim West was a lot like you: Tired.

A family therapist and busy working mom, Kim dreamed of a deep, restful sleep. While conventional wisdom promoted a cry-it-out approach to sleep training, Kim knew that was not her style. Over time, she gently helped her first daughter get to sleep, fine-tuning a process over the years  which later became a world-renowned sleep method that has  helped over 1 million  families finally get some rest. Because no two children are alike, Kim tailored her method for her second daughter, who suffered from silent reflux. Friends and friends of friends began calling Kim for sleep help. With each family she helped, she grew and learned and modified her method.

Kim has gained international recognition as an expert on baby and child sleep, earning the title The Sleep Lady, a nick-name bestowed on her by one of her well-rested clients. Her step-by-step method, known as The Sleep Lady Shuffle™, has empowered hundreds of thousands of families to find gentle, customized sleep solutions—and get some rest.

Kim has authored multiple books including the groundbreaking The Sleep Lady’s Good Night, Sleep Tight: Gentle, Proven Solutions to Help Your Child Sleep Well Without Leaving Them to Cry It Out. She has offered her expertise on national television programs including Dr. Phil, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and more.



The Sleep Lady Shuffle Method ® has helped more than 1,000,000 families gently go to and stay asleep.

The Gentle Parenting Show

Join Kim West, as she breaks down your top parenting concerns and gives her gentle take. She knows that even in our imperfection as parents, it is possible to raise resilient, compassionate, and confident children. Grab a coffee or a glass of wine, throw in your ear pods, and join us! Learn More

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