Congratulations on becoming a new parent!
Chances are, you’re also really, seriously, desperately tired. Because being a parent of a newborn is EXHAUSTING. There is nothing else like it and nothing to prepare us for it.
You knew having a baby would mean getting less sleep than before, but wow. You didn’t think it would be this intense.
You have to get up every few hours 24 hours a day to feed your newborn, and all babies are different.
Your baby may have colic vs. your BFF’s baby, who is “easy.” Or maybe your baby is like mine was and is just plain “hard.”
This phase of your baby’s life is hard. And the lack of sleep can make you feel irritable, anxious, and like this will never end.
Let me reassure you this is only a phase.
And best of all you don’t have to try and muscle through it. You don’t just have to try and survive it by the skin of your teeth. It is possible for you to enjoy this blissfully special time in your baby’s life. Everything changes when you have the tools and techniques to help your baby learn the valuable life skill of… sleep.
Who Am I To Say This?
Hi, I’m Kim West, known around the world as The Sleep Lady®. I’ve been a family therapist for over 30 years, a sleep coach for over 25 years and an author of 5 best-selling books (and another one on its way).
And I’m also the creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle - the original gentle sleep coaching method and now Baby-Led Sleep Shaping and Coaching. (Maybe you’ve seen me on Dr Phil or CNN?)
But more importantly, I’m a proud mother of two daughters.
When my girls were newborns, I was losing my mind with lack of sleep, but I refused to let my baby cry it out alone in their crib. Back then, that was the only option given to me. But I knew wanted something different for my baby. And for me.
That’s why I created the F.A.S.T. Approach (Feeding, Attachment, Soothing and Temperament ) to help me and my babies. And now it can help you and your newborn get better sleep….without leaving your baby to cry it out alone.
Over the last 28 years, I’ve helped over 1,000,000 families get more sleep by applying my tried-and-true gentle methods and finding the ones that what works best for them and their baby’s unique needs. Now I’m making those methods available to you in a comprehensive online course specifically designed for babies between 0-5 months olds.
Surviving to Thriving in the First Three Months
The first 0-3 Months are precious, special, and magical.
It’s also full of challenges as you’re trying to get to know this brand new person who is brand new to the world. And a newborn who is 0-3 months old is not ready for a schedule. They need to be fed round the clock, and they’re not going to “sleep through the night”.
But there is hope.
This is the age where you can learn about your baby, and how to help get into good sleep habits!
How to read your baby’s cues, so you can tell when they’re ready to nap or go to sleep
I know how to calm a fussy baby, and I have tips to help you too
I want you to learn about to create a flexible routine during the day that helps your baby get good naps in
I have strategies to encourage a long stretch of nightime sleep
I want you to learn how to avoid a big mistake, day and night time confusion!
I have brilliant feeding tips that will help you newborn sleep better at night
Learn how to build a secure attachment (which I know you want) that will also help your baby sleep even better
I have a month-by- month realistic schedule of what you can expect for both feeding and sleeping
"Take this course so that you'll never have to sleep train again!"

Surviving to Thriving in the First Three Months
The first 0-3 Months are precious, special, and magical.
It’s also full of challenges as you’re trying to get to know this brand new person who is brand new to the world. And a newborn who is 0-3 months old is not ready for a schedule. They need to be fed round the clock, and they’re not going to “sleep through the night”.
But there is hope.
This is the age where you can learn about your baby, and how to help get into good sleep habits!
How to read your baby’s cues, so you can tell when they’re ready to nap or go to sleep
I know how to calm a fussy baby, and I have tips to help you too
I want you to learn about to create a flexible routine during the day that helps your baby get good naps in
I have strategies to encourage a long stretch of nightime sleep
I want you to learn how to avoid a big mistake, day and night time confusion!
I have brilliant feeding tips that will help you newborn sleep better at night
Learn how to build a secure attachment (which I know you want) that will also help your baby sleep even better
I have a month-by- month realistic schedule of what you can expect for both feeding and sleeping
"Take this course so that you'll never have to sleep train again!"

Surviving to Thriving in the First Three Months
Major brain development happens in your baby right at 4 months, and it massively affects and permanently changes how they sleep. This is often referred to as “the 4 month sleep regression”. I want you to enter this phase and master it with confidence - ensuring restful nights and happy days. Here’s how I’m going to get you through this time successfully:
First understanding the 4 month sleep regression and how to get back on tracking if you derailed a bit during this milestone (we get it)
Proven techniques for weaning unnecessary night feelings and reducing night wakings
How to create a realistic, flexible schedule & work with short naps
Learn what realistic expectations are for feeding and sleep including sample flexible routines and schedules for feeding and sleep
Introduce my proven Baby Led Sleep CoachingShaping techniques that I created just for this 4-5 mo phase like the “The Super Slow Shuffle” and the “Jiggle and Soothe 2.0”
If you feel like your baby needs further sleep support after 5 months, I will show you how to determine that.
Techniques That Work
I’ve created proven techniques that I call Baby-Led Sleep Shaping and Coachings approaches - like the “Switcheroo” and the “Jiggle and Soothe” and will help you determine when and how to introduce them to your baby.
I created these Baby Led Sleep Shaping and Coaching elements and I want to teach them to you - to help you create a healthy sleep foundation for your newborn - with the goal of trying to avoid having to sleep coach later! YES its possible!
I’m going to teach you personally
Through on-demand, go at your own pace, mini videos
We’re going to go through them topic by topic and you can go at your own pace
I’ve also included a digital planner that will support you
As well as a printable resource guide to continue to help you through this phase
I also put in mantras and visualization to help you stay calm and regulated because it is HARD
Get the Exact Info You Need for the Exact Age Your Newborn Is!
All Courses Covered by Our 14 Day, Money Back Guarantee.
0-3 Month Sleep Survival Course
- Series of on-demand short + practical videos
- Topics covered:
How to avoid or turn around day/night confusion
Soothing techniques to get you thru those increased fussiness phases
Navigating feeding challenges and realistic feeding goals to support sleep
Sample schedules + routines
How to create a longer stretch of overnight sleep
How to implement Baby-Led Sleep Shaping to create a solid sleep foundation
and more...... - Digital planner + printable resources to guide you through Baby-Led Sleep Shaping
- Mantras + Visualizations to help you stay calm and regulated
- Access to the Troubleshooting Kit
How to Improve Sleep While Cosleeping Safely
Weaning off the Swaddle
Reflux + GURD
GET BOTH Resources:
0-5 Month Old Bundle
- Get Access to ALL Topics covered:
Managing night feedings and frequent wakings
How to Get Thru the 4 month sleep regression
How to improve naps
Sample schedules + routines
Gentle, Baby-led Sleep Coaching techniques
How to avoid or turn around day/night confusion
Soothing techniques to get you thru those increased fussiness phases
Navigating feeding challenges
How to create a longer stretch of overnight sleep - Series of on-demand short + practical videos
- Digital planner + printable resources to guide you through Baby-Led Sleep Shaping
- Mantras + visualizations to help you stay calm and regulated
- Access to the Troubleshooting Kit
How to Improve Sleep While Cosleeping Safely
Weaning off the Swaddle
Reflux + GURD
Pacifiers - BONUS! Access to Our Power Pack Resources:
Montessori Newborn Care Guide
How to Stay Connected as New Parents Guide
Making Return to Work As Seamless as Possible
Confident Nights: Navigating 4-5 Months with Ease
- Series of on-demand short + practical videos
- Topics covered:
Managing night feedings and frequent wakings
How to Get Thru the 4 month sleep regression and get back on track
How to improve naps
Sample schedules + routines
Determine if your baby is ready for sleep coaching
Review various gentle, Baby led Sleep Coaching techniques for once your baby is ready
and more.... - Digital planner + printable resources to guide you through Baby-Led Sleep Shaping
- Mantras + Visualizations to help you stay calm and regulated
- Access to the Troubleshooting Kit
How to Improve Sleep While Cosleeping Safely
Weaning off the Swaddle
Reflux + GURD
Get the Exact Info You Need for the Exact Age Your Newborn Is!
All Courses Covered by Our 14 Day, Money Back Guarantee.
GET BOTH Resources:
0-5 Month Old Bundle
- Get Access to ALL Topics covered:
Managing night feedings and frequent wakings
How to Get Thru the 4 month sleep regression
How to improve naps
Sample schedules + routines
Gentle, Baby-led Sleep Coaching techniques
How to avoid or turn around day/night confusion
Soothing techniques to get you thru those increased fussiness phases
Navigating feeding challenges
How to create a longer stretch of overnight sleep - Series of on-demand short + practical videos
- Digital planner + printable resources to guide you through Baby-Led Sleep Shaping
- Mantras + visualizations to help you stay calm and regulated
- Access to the Troubleshooting Kit
How to Improve Sleep While Cosleeping Safely
Weaning off the Swaddle
Reflux + GURD
Pacifiers - BONUS! Access to Our Power Pack Resources:
Montessori Newborn Care Guide
How to Stay Connected as New Parents Guide
Making Return to Work As Seamless as Possible
0-3 Month Sleep Survival Course
- Series of on-demand short + practical videos
- Topics covered:
How to avoid or turn around day/night confusion
Soothing techniques to get you thru those increased fussiness phases
Navigating feeding challenges and realistic feeding goals to support sleep
Sample schedules + routines
How to create a longer stretch of overnight sleep
How to implement Baby-Led Sleep Shaping to create a solid sleep foundation
and more...... - Digital planner + printable resources to guide you through Baby-Led Sleep Shaping
- Mantras + Visualizations to help you stay calm and regulated
- Access to the Troubleshooting Kit
How to Improve Sleep While Cosleeping Safely
Weaning off the Swaddle
Reflux + GURD
Confident Nights: Navigating 4-5 Months with Ease
- Series of on-demand short + practical videos
- Topics covered:
Managing night feedings and frequent wakings
How to Get Thru the 4 month sleep regression and get back on track
How to improve naps
Sample schedules + routines
Determine if your baby is ready for sleep coaching
Review various gentle, Baby led Sleep Coaching techniques for once your baby is ready
and more.... - Digital planner + printable resources to guide you through Baby-Led Sleep Shaping
- Mantras + Visualizations to help you stay calm and regulated
- Access to the Troubleshooting Kit
How to Improve Sleep While Cosleeping Safely
Weaning off the Swaddle
Reflux + GURD
S.O.S.! I Need To Talk to Someone ASAP!
I am overwhelmed and desperate for sleep.

"You saved our marriage!"
"It's not an overstatement to say you saved our marriage. And the best part of all is that being a mom is finally how I imagined and hoped it would be."

Your Questions Answered
Yes! Believe me, I understand. I’ve worked with thousands of families and I know the best ways to help you and your baby get more sleep. The course includes instantly accessible short + actionable videos (watch them on your phone any time), sleep technique explanations, worksheets to help you stay on track, and so much more to support you in getting the rest you’re craving. It’s designed to fit into your unpredictable schedule, not add to it.
Yes. The five sleep shaping stages roughly correlate to months (e.g. stage 1 = month 1) and they intentionally build on each other to create better sleep for your family. Because of that, and because every baby develops at their own unique pace, this is the right course whether they are 1 day old or 4.5 months old. (It also sets a complete and solid foundation for sleep coaching if that’s something you decide you would like to do when you and your baby are ready).
There is no “perfect” sleep timeline and it helps to release any pressure around your baby sleeping a certain way by a certain age. This is why I describe my approach as Baby-Led. For example, you may have a baby who was born early and their sleep may take a little longer to develop than a baby born full term. You may have a 5 month old who is very alert or intense and isn’t quite ready for sleep coaching. You may have a baby with reflux who experiences their first longer night stretches later than 6-8 weeks. These are all normal situations that I cover in the course and provide flexible solutions for.
The course includes all the information for you and your baby to get better sleep. But working with a GSC is as close to a “sleep solution shortcut” as you can get! If you feel you would like additional support from a baby sleep expert to tailor the approach to your unique baby and answer any questions you have about your sleep journey, getting additional support from a GSC is an excellent decision.
If you already know you would benefit from 1:1 help from a Gentle Sleep Coach who is trained in what questions to ask and what signs to look out for to create the best plan for your family, choose one of the packages that already includes it. Or, if you purchase the course and later decide you would also value customized 1:1 support on top, simply contact us to upgrade.
Six months, plenty of time to master sleep shaping before your baby turns six months old. If in the future you have another little one and would like to re-purchase the course, simply email us at [email protected] and we’ll give you a returning parent discount.
There is no simple answer here. This is not a magic bullet (nobody can give you one of those unfortunately) and I’m here to set you up for success with realistic expectations. Can I promise your baby will sleep through the night while they’re this young? No.
Can I promise that this course will meet your baby where they’re at developmentally and provide age-appropriate solutions that give them the best possible chance of getting better sleep. Yes! Absolutely yes.
Not at all. This course provides appropriate feeding and sleeping guidance whether your baby is exclusively breastfed, exclusively bottle-fed, or a combination of the two.
I understand your concern. Some sleep courses are marketed as gentle, only to be anything but. That’s not the case with Gentle Newborn Sleep Solutions. My approach to sleep shaping is genuinely gentle and does not involve leaving your baby to cry it out in any way. This course + patience + practice = more zzzs in a way that feels good to both you and your newborn.
A Gentle Sleep Coach® (GSC) goes through a rigorous training program and mentorship created by me and my faculty of pediatric development experts. They are required to complete continuing education, pass two exams, and work with 3 families before becoming certified. Once certified, they have access to mentorship and are required to complete ongoing continued education. In short, they know my methods inside out and are perfectly placed to support tired families in getting more sleep in the way that works best for them.
© 2024 Baby Sleep Coaching by the Sleep Lady - All Rights Reserved.
The testimonial statements are made by actual clients and represent reported results for the services offered by these providers.
Consultants do not offer medical advice. If you have any medical concerns you should consult your doctor.