The Sleep Lady's NEWEST sleep book for twins is now available!
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"The Newborn Twins Sleep Guide"
The Nap and Nighttime Sanity Saver
for Your Duo's First Five Months
Let the dynamic duo of Natalie Diaz from Twiniversity and The Sleep Lady Kim West come to the rescue, equipping you and your adorable twinnies with the ultimate gentle sleep solutions, right from the moment they enter this world through the first five months.
Raising twins doesn’t have to fill you with sleep dread. There are many small ways to help them sleep just a little bit better right now—long before your duo is ready for sleep training—and together, these can add up to significantly better sleep for everyone!
As founder of Twiniversity, Natalie Diaz has welcomed millions of parents into the rewarding world of parenting twins. Now, she and longtime friend Kim West, known around the world as The Sleep Lady®, turn their attention to helping parents of twins navigate their babies’ early months.
In month-by-month chapters that are easy to navigate (even in the middle of the night!), this sleep road map will teach you:
How sleep shaping can begin during your twin pregnancy through nursery setup and more
How feeding, attachment, soothing, and temperament all factor into your babies’ sleep—with strategies to navigate the unique demands of caring for two
Alternatives to the “cry it out” method once your babies are developmentally ready to self-soothe
Key developmental milestones from birth through five months and how to encourage sleep at every stage
How preterm birth, and therefore sleep, impact your twins’ early life and how to best support your duo during that time
Success stories about real twin parents who’ve struggled with their twins sleep
Why it’s so important to take care of yourself during this sleep coaching stage
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by conflicting advice on sleep training, nap coaching, sleep schedules, and more. The Newborn Twins Sleep Guide provides clear guidance and a gentle approach to help you feel better about the entire sleep process, from A to ZZZs.