
Category: Sleep Training and Coaching

selfish to sleep coach

Is It Selfish to Sleep Coach? A Baby Sleep Expert Responds

Is It Selfish to Sleep Coach? A Baby Sleep Expert Responds When we find out that we are pregnant we are overjoyed and elated by the idea of bringing a new life into the world. From that moment forward we do everything in our power to protect the little human be...
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wean the pacifier

Wean The Pacifier! How to Sleep Train Without the Binkey

A reader named Holly wrote in about how to wean the pacifier and get some better sleep for her nine month-old. She writes: “My nine-month-old still wakes up four times a night for apparently no reason. Any advice? I give her water in the night and her dummy (pa...
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cries until she throws up

My Baby Cries Until She Throws Up — What Should I Do?

My Baby Cries Until She Throws Up — What Should I Do? A mom named Kate wrote in with a concern about her 9 month-old who cries until she throws up at bedtime. She writes: “My 9-month-old still co-sleeps with us and wakes up to 2 to 3 times per night...
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sibling sleep regression

Older Sibling Sleep Regression — 7 Ways Dad can Help

Older Sibling Sleep Regression — 7 Ways Dad can Help When you are expecting an addition to your family you prepare to sleep less, shower less, and generally have less “alone” time. You know the upcoming days with a newborn in the house will be treasured b...
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won't nap at daycare

My Baby Won’t Nap at Daycare! What Should I Do?

My Baby Won’t Nap at Daycare! What Should I Do? A mom named Amy is struggling with her daughter who won’t nap at daycare. She writes: Luckily my 8 month old daughter is sleeping through the night now. I am a working mom and not at home with my baby ...
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naps are too short

Naps Are Too Short? It’s Time to Nap Coach My Baby!

Naps Are Too Short? It’s Time to Nap Coach My Baby! A mom named Terra wrote in and asked the following question about her baby whose naps are too short: “I have a baby sleep problem. My baby is almost 6 months old. I’m working on getting her 3 regular nap...
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