Most parents ask me what a “typical day” of feedings, naps, and bedtime would look like for their child. Because I get so many questions about this, I decided to dedicate this post to just that. What follows are typical baby and toddler sleep schedules for spec...
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An interesting article was just published in the New York Times outlining the links between childhood ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and child sleep issues. Of course, we all hear on the news about how ADHD is increasing among our kids, and...
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Would you like to ask your sleep question here? If so, submit your question in the “Ask The Sleep Lady” question box to the right. I will pick several baby sleep problems a month to answer and post them here on the blog! If you have any thoughts or ...
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This is a great blog post by Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson, aka Seattle Mama Doc. Its short, sweet and packed with info! I have put her words in italic. There is a lot of information (and opinion) about how to get your infant to sleep through the night. Cry it out/don...
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After a few months of throwing your schedule to the wind due to vacations, traveling, long days, BBQs and family fun, the time has come to get back on to a healthy sleep schedule! Here are some back-to-school sleep tips for helping children sleep: 1. If your ch...
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When asked the question “What is the best piece of advice you would give tired parents“, we received tons of responses and very good answers! Even though it was tough, we chose our 5 favorites. In the comments below, let us know which is your favori...
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Nap Time Tips and Baby Sleep Solutions from The Sleep Lady: Remember that skipping naps will not help your child sleep better at night…’s the exact opposite! Watch for your child’s sleep cues and get them in to bed for their nap. Some common cues are: quiet...
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Weekly Baby Sleep Problem for The Sleep Lady: “Dear Kim, I read your book “Good Night, Sleep Tight” and used The Sleep Lady Shuffle when my daughter was 10 months old. She’s been sleeping great since then. Your book saved my sanity because it used ...
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Weekly Question for the Sleep Lady: Dear Sleep Lady, I am nervous about Daylight Savings Time this weekend! I finally got my daughter sleeping thru the night (with a few early mornings on occasion) and I don’t want to ruin our great progress! Can you give me so...
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Weekly Baby Sleep Problem for The Sleep Lady: “My son is now 15 months old and still nursing at morning and night. In everything I read, it always says put your baby in the crib “drowsy but awake.” Is it just me, or is that way harder than it...
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