Co-Sleeping and Room Sharing – Tips for Sleeping Safely The term “co-sleeping” is often used alongside “room sharing”. While having your child rooming with you for the first six to 12 months is recommended by the American Academy o...
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Written by Andrea Strang, Certified Gentle Sleep Coach, Postpartum Doula, and owner of KinderSleep. One of the most common things I hear from parents is that they feel like they are “doing it wrong”. There is nothing that can adequately prepare you...
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Some of us feel an intense bond the minute our baby is born. For many other parents, that passionate connection isn’t that immediate – and they feel guilty. Be kind to yourself; it often takes days or weeks for those newborn bonding feelings to well...
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Here are some tips to safe sleeping recommendations. Most of the information is from the American Academy of Pediatrics and First Candle. I’d like to emphasize that this advice is primarily for healthy infants. Always talk to your doctor, particularly if your c...
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