
Author: Kim West, MSW, Mom of 2, creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle

Sleep Training Methods Demystified

I Huffington Post recently published an article in answer to a fairly humorous take on sleep training, in which a mother was overwhelmed with the sheer amount of expert advice surrounding baby sleep training. While I chuckled as I read the article, I also sympa...
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Sleep Coaching Goals

Every parent wants their baby to sleep through the night , but babies are not born knowing how to fall asleep on their own. They’ve been soothed by mom in the womb, and again when they enter the world and throughout infancy. \But at some point, waking up every ...
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5 Easy Ways to Help Everyone Sleep

Once we get our little ones sleeping well, often, we parents find that we have trouble going to sleep, or struggle with insomnia. You may be wondering what can you do to ensure that you get enough rest. Thankfully, there are a few simple things that you can do ...
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Mom Needs Sleep Too! Taking Care of Mom on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and it got me thinking. I spend a lot of time talking about how to help your baby sleep. And baby sleep is important, but mom needs sleep too! When you were pregnant, people may have jokingly advised you to ‘rest up,̵...
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Exciting News!

                  Guess what? BabyTalk and Parenting magazine have asked me to join their “dream team of the top experts in all things baby-related” and be a member of their 2013 Editorial Advisory Board!...
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The 18 Month Sleep Regression

You were sleeping peacefully…and then you hear your toddler. He’s not just rustling around resettling. He’s screaming mad. Literally. As you drag yourself out of bed, you wonder to yourself what’s wrong? What could be causing your toddler sleep problems? Could ...
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Can Sleep Issues Be Mistaken For ADHD?

There is more and more research being done regarding the potential link between Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and children’s sleep issues. It’s well documented that we are all getting less sleep than we used to. In fact the amount of people who are get...
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5 Reasons That A Sleep Coach is Better Than Any Sleep Book

Yesterday, I ran across an article in the Huffington Post entitled “I Read All The Baby Sleep Books”. In the article the author (a mother) is seemingly overwhelmed by the wealth of (mis)information available to parents who just want one thing: a baby who sleeps...
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