Can you imagine not knowing where you will lay your head tonight? Or tomorrow night? Or next week? What if you had to leave all belongings behind when you were evicted because you had no space to call your own? What if you were a young child in this situation a...
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I encourage you to visit Joanna at or on Facebook for more tips, resources, and information on sleep coaching. As a sleep coach, I’ve worked with over 500 families and had many intimate discussions. One big challenge tha...
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“How’s he sleeping?” Now there was the question I’d been asked almost daily since my son’s birth just a few short months prior. “Just ok”, I would always answer. At 4 months old, he was still waking once during the nig...
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Our Dohm sound machine has long been a “must have” for moms. People generally understand that white noise is soothing for babies, and ANYthing that could help promote sleep is worth its weight in gold – but there’s a lot more to it than that. Here are the les...
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If you are working outside the home as a new mother you may feel like you have a Herculean task! Among numerous challenges you face is the need to balance your work schedule with your child’s sleep needs. It can be downright tricky to juggle their needs in the ...
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Would you like me to answer your baby sleep coaching problem in my next video? If so, post your question on my Facebook Page! I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog! Hi! I am Kim West, the Sleep Lady, and in today’s video...
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I started sleep coaching friends of friends with the intention to help parents (especially moms) teach their children to sleep…so they could sleep too. Because let’s face it, an exhausted and worn out version of you isn’t the best parent you can be. I decided t...
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Would you like me to answer your baby sleep coaching problem in my next video? If so, post your question on my Facebook Page! I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog! Hi. I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and today I’m going t...
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Would you like me to answer your baby sleep coaching problem in my next video? If so, post your question on my Facebook Page! I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog! Hi. I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and today I’m going t...
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It’s finally spring and time for a much needed vacation! Can you picture it? The sun shining warmly above you, while you lounge on the beach enjoying the smell of the salty sea air mingled with suntan lotion, and the cries of an overtired child. Hold everything...
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