What do you think of when you hear the words “sleep training” or “sleep coaching? Lots of non-stop crying? That’s a common concern for most parents who seek help with baby sleep and decide to begin sleep training. While cry-it-out methods like Weissbluth’s (whi...
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Being a single parent is no easy task. Whether it’s due to divorce, death, a spouse in the military, or that’s just how it is, handling the day-to-day tasks of raising a child alone can test even the most organized and composed person. Being a single parent and...
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Hi! I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and in this video, I’m going to answer Barbara’s question. She is about to wean the baby’s pacifier while trying to get her older child to sleep. It’s a little bit long, but it’s a very common sleep situation. Here’s what...
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I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and in this video I’m going to answer Debbie’s question about her 11-month-old who wakes up at night. Here’s what she wrote in: My 11 month-old son knows how to go to sleep on his own although there are times when he refuses. Then ...
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Summertime is prime time for some rest and relaxation with friends and family, and that sometimes involves traveling. What once sounded like music to your ears — travel for a vacation — now makes your palms sweat. You are concerned that all the gain...
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This article about nap time originally appeared on US News & World Report Wellness. Nighttime sleep isn’t the only sleep you should be concerned about for your child. Until the age of 4 or 5, most children can’t get all the sleep they need durin...
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This article originally appeared in US News & World Report Many of your child’s sleep struggles may be significantly lessened by one new habit: an early bedtime. I often talk to parents whose children struggle with waking up at night, early rising, and...
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Hi. I’m Kim West, the Sleep Lady, and in this video, I’m going to answer Samantha’s question about her toddler who wakes every night. She posted the following on my Facebook page: My son is two and a half and doesn’t sleep a lot in the day, and goes from 5:00 a...
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As parents, we all want our babies to feel safe and secure so they can go to sleep peacefully at bedtime. But how do we make that happen so they can sleep through the night without suffering through bouts of heartrending crying? It would be great if there was o...
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This article originally appeared on US News and World Report, February 14, 2017. When it comes to infant sleep practices, perhaps no topic is more debated than whether parents should co-sleep, or share their bed with their infant. Concerns about the risk of suf...
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