Getting Your Toddler to Stay in Bed at Bedtime and All Night Long As toddlers grow, their bodies and minds need to adjust to the shift of weaning themselves off of naps and appreciating the benefits of a longer night’s sleep. Between the ages of two and t...
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It’s Never Too Late: Get Bedtime Back on Track for Your Child with Special Needs For most of us, bedtime with babies and toddlers can be trying. Between eating, school work, bedtime routines, and general hustling around, things can get derailed quickly. A...
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Does Your Preschooler Still Need to Nap? Probably Does your preschooler still need to nap? Surprisingly, many parents and educators feel that preschoolers shouldn’t need this important developmental assist in their education. The Huffington Post recently publis...
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Quiet Time for Toddlers — Dropping the Afternoon Nap Dropping the afternoon nap in favor of quiet time can bring a big transition for the whole family. Many families ask about the appropriate age to drop their naps for good. On average children give up th...
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Baby and Toddler Naps — Everything You Need to Know Many parents assume that nighttime is the only time that we should worry about our baby’s and toddler’s sleep. What parents often don’t realize is how important naps really are to babies’ dev...
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Toddler Naps: Nap or Not to Nap for My 4 Year Old? A reader wrote in this question about toddler naps: “I am struggling. Does my 4 year old need a nap? On weekdays, she goes to 1/2 day preschool, naps afterwards in her room with dim lights and a sound mac...
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Drowsy But Awake — The Cornerstone of Successful Sleep Training The term “Drowsy But Awake” comes up in just about every piece of advice about sleep coaching. But just what does it mean? Newborns drift in and out of sleep in short cycles, while older babi...
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Congratulations! You’ve made it out of the phase of intense and frequent sleep regressions. Yet, your child’s sleep can still be affected by major changes for the rest of their lives. Face it, we are all sleepless now and then. Starting a new school, movi...
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Back-To-School Routines for your Special Needs Child with Checklists As parents at the end of summer — for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere — it’s easy to put off the bedtime routine piece of our back-to-school checklist until the very last mo...
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Sleep for Kids with Special Needs — 4 Huge Benefits Parents know that sleep for kids with special needs is sometimes hard to come by. Having a more well-rested child will always make life a little smoother. Consider these four benefits for you and your sp...
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