
Category: Parenting

Why You Should Wait to Sleep Coach

If you’re a parent, chances are that you’ve struggled to help your child sleep at some point. If you’re baby is experiencing sleep problems, chances are that you are, too. And while I know that you’re eager to get your baby into good sleep habits, jumping into ...
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Stranger Anxiety in Babies

When your baby first comes home, he does not have a sense of self. In a nutshell, he thinks that you are he and he is you. He smiles at the feet and hands he sees waving without realizing that they’re his. As your baby grows and becomes more aware, he gradually...
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The Essential Happy Baby Secrets

Nowadays, there is far more emphasis on test scores, milestones, and ‘keeping up with the Joneses’…but what if that’s not enough to ensure that we raise happy, well-adjusted kids? As a parent myself, I can say first hand that while test scores are important for...
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The Top Reasons Time Out Doesn’t Work

I know that I normally talk about sleep, but sometimes it’s a good idea to take a departure from that to focus on other parenting questions. In fact, I’ve received numerous questions about behavior, most commonly, what to do when your children misbehave. Having...
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7 Essential Infant Tips For New Parents

This guest article was written by Heather Irvine, Certified Gentle Sleep Coach, Postpartum Doula, Newborn Care Specialist, and Certified Lactation Counselor There is nothing more magical and exhilarating than becoming a new parent. Those first few weeks are fil...
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Handling the Sleep Training Guilt

As parents, we are bombarded with well-intended advice. Nearly every parent has a friend, family member, or co-worker who is convinced that they have the answers. This seems to be especially true of anything to do with helping your baby sleep. When it comes to ...
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Why “Should” is the New 4-Letter Word in Parenting

Article written by Jennifer Denzel, Gentle Sleep Coach  If I had a dollar for every time I have heard a parent say, “I know I should be doing _________”, my children’s college education would be paid for!  There seems to be a trend among parents to not only fee...
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The Sleep Lady’s 5 Steps to a Happy Family

I recently came across an article by Bruce Feiler entitled 5 Secrets to a Happy Family. Although he claims to not make lists, and that his ‘secrets’ aren’t really secrets, I found the article to hold quite a bit of truth, and a very comprehensive list…for older...
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