
Tag: attachment parenting

4 Ways to Help Your Child Answer Anxious Questions

Guest Post Written by Renee Jain If your child is anxious, it’s likely they do something I like to call what-iffing: “What if I don’t get asked to the dance?” “What if you run out of gas and can’t pick me up from school?̶...
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Baby Sleep Problems

Your Top 9 Sleep Questions Answered

Answers to Your Top 9 Baby Sleep Problems Did you know that 30% of parents report a baby’s sleep problem in the first 5 years? If you are reading this article please know you are not alone! In my over 25 years of working with tired parents, I have noticed...
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When Should I Night Wean My Toddler?

Would you like me to answer your baby sleep problem in my next video? If so, click on the button to the right that says “Click Here to Ask the Sleep Lady” and submit your question. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here o...
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Why Parents Lie About Sleep

The Stir recently published an interesting article examining the reasons that parents lie about co-sleeping, which got me thinking about how parents lie about their children’s sleep, period. It’s astonishing to me how many parents do not share their struggles, ...
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Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety and Your Baby’s Sleep

Just last week your baby was the life of the party. She loved being passed around to grandma, your neighbors, and smiled that adorable smile at everyone in the grocery store. Today, though? She’s clingy, fussy, and screams for you whenever anyone, even your par...
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