
Tag: bedtime

preschool bedtime battles

Preschooler Bedtime Battles: 11 Tips for Peaceful Evenings

Preschooler Bedtime Battles: 11 Tips for Peaceful Evenings With newfound independence, little kids can be a handful to calm at night. All of that energy can either snowball into preschooler bedtime battles, or be deftly managed to become a peaceful path toward ...
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back to school sleep

The Back To School Sleep Transition: Routine is Everything

Tips For The Back To School Sleep Transition: Routine is Everything For many of you, school is starting in the next few weeks. That means earlier mornings, and potentially an earlier bedtime. Many families slowly migrate to a later bedtime during the summer. Da...
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The Top Four Reasons Parents Love White Noise

Our Dohm sound machine has long been a “must have” for moms.  People generally understand that white noise is soothing for babies, and ANYthing that could help promote sleep is worth its weight in gold – but there’s a lot more to it than that.  Here are the les...
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Why Your Child Needs A Bedtime Story

One of my favorite things to do with my two girls was reading them their bedtime stories. It was a way for us to connect, snuggle, and explore new stories together! Of course, sometimes we needed to repeat a favorite story for a few days (or weeks) until the gi...
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