
Tag: my baby won’t sleep at night

sleep training

Gentle Sleep Training with The Sleep Lady Shuffle

Gentle Sleep Training with The Sleep Lady Shuffle Gentle sleep training — sometimes called sleep coaching — is nothing more than helping your baby learn to put himself to sleep so that he can successfully nap and eventually sleep through the night. ...
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Sleeping Through the Night — Why Did My Baby Stop?

If you would rather read than watch my above video then here is the transcript of this week’s baby sleep problem video: Hi! I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady. Today, I’m going to answer an exhausted mom’s email question about her 10-month-old baby’s slee...
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Can You Eliminate Night Terrors?

Today, Lully, the company behind the first device proven to stop night terrors, is introducing their newest product, the LullySleep Guardian Plus. It is proven to stop up to 80% of night terrors within the first 4 weeks of use, and it makes night terrors shorte...
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My Toddler is Climbing Out Of the Crib to Find Me!

Would you like me to answer your baby sleep problem in my next video? If so, scroll down and submit your question in the comment section below. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog. Hi. I’m Kim West, the Sleep Lad...
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afraid to sleep

What if My Baby is Afraid to Go to Sleep?

A very interesting article was published recently published on the NewsTalk Blog where a mom wondered if her baby could possibly be traumatized where sleep was concerned. Interestingly, there is research that suggests that babies can remember trauma…but not lik...
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Is It Night Waking or Insomnia?

Nearly every parent has experienced a night when your child just won’t sleep; or maybe your toddler has been waking consistently at 2:00 a.m. for the past month. Regardless of when you’ve experienced night wakings, most of us wonder at some point if our child c...
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