My Baby Cries Until She Throws Up — What Should I Do? A mom named Kate wrote in with a concern about her 9 month-old who cries until she throws up at bedtime. She writes: “My 9-month-old still co-sleeps with us and wakes up to 2 to 3 times per night...
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Nighttime Bottle Feedings – How Do I Wean My Nine-Month-Old? A reader named Tiffany wrote in to ask about her nine-month-old’s nighttime bottle feedings: “We cannot kick the night wakings of our nine-month old. Our daughter is obsessed with her bott...
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Night Weaning After Six Months: How to Gently End Night Feedings The most common problem behavioral sleep disorders is that most children who experience problems falling asleep have never learned to fall asleep without a breast or bottle in their mouths. Their ...
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