Excerpt from the Updated and Expanded version of “Good Night, Sleep Tight” The Secret Language of Babies Babies have a lot of different cries. I have been fascinated by Priscilla Dunstan’s work on baby sounds, and many families have found it v...
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People always ask how they can help their baby sleep. Often in my book, “Good Night, Sleep Tight”, I will instruct you to put your baby down to sleep when she is “drowsy but awake” so she can learn to do that last part of falling asleep ...
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10 Tips for Pleasing Your Picky Eater, by Karen Mahan, BS, MS- Guest Blogger Being a picky eater is part of what it means to be a toddler. There are developmental reasons why kids between one and three years of age peck and poke at their food. After a year of r...
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Parents often have a lot of questions about toilet training and how it interacts with sleep. You’ll learn: The “potty training window” Start potty training in the daytime Use pullups for naps and sleep for now Avoiding the potty as a bedtime s...
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I recently went to a workshop on Post Partum Depression (PPD) and was shocked and saddened to hear how prevalent and largely untreated PPD is. As a mother and social worker, I felt compelled to write about this topic in my newsletter and to encourage each of yo...
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Ellen was overcome with love for Sarah, her exquisite newborn daughter. Watching her husband Michael tenderly rock the tiny precious being they created, she thought she’d never been so happy. Ellen never dreamed that life, and love, could feel like this. ...
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Many of the families Peter and I have worked with in our practices tell us they have been influenced by literature referring to “attachment theory”. I spent some time writing about this in “Good Night, Sleep Tight“, but I thought it woul...
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When Joe and I were expecting our first baby we were convinced that I would have a natural birth and that our baby would sleep like an angel in her white bassinette that we had painstakingly prepared. Looking back on it I’m glad that at least the bassinet...
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