Preventing Power Struggles: A Guide to Harmonious Potty Training Today, we’re opening up a discussion about how to prevent or rectify power struggles that can arise during the potty training process. The goal is to guide you towards a more harmonio...
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Navigating the Adventure of Toilet Training: Essential Do’s and Don’ts During the summer months, it’s common for parents to start thinking about toilet training. At Gentle Potty Coaching, we follow our Intuitive Toilet Learning approach, which empha...
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Community Question of The Week: Potty Training and Sleep “Help! My 2.5 year old who is newly daytime potty trained is stalling at bedtime and waking up in the middle of the night to say he has to poop on the potty. Naturally, we are torn between risking a dirty...
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Many parents are wary in the months leading up to potty training, as it seems this milestone can be rife with stress, power struggles, and messy problems. While it is certainly a stressful time for parents, it also is for the child being trained! Defusing that ...
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Parents often have a lot of questions about toilet training and how it interacts with sleep. You’ll learn: The “potty training window” Start potty training in the daytime Use pullups for naps and sleep for now Avoiding the potty as a bedtime s...
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