Would you like to have me answer your baby sleep problem in my next video? If so, scroll down and submit your question in the comment section below. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog! If you would rather read than wa...
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A recent article about baby sleep problems in the NY Times caught my eye. I’ve already written about how early sleep problems in children’s lives can lead to outcomes such as an increased risk of having ADHD, but new research is also linking early s...
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When Do I Start Baby Sleep Training if My Child is Chronically Sleep Deprived?? Would you like to have me answer your baby sleep problem question in my next video? If so, scroll down and submit your question in the comment section below. I will pick several que...
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Would you like to ask your sleep question here? If so, submit your question in the “Ask The Sleep Lady” question box to the right. I will pick several baby sleep problems a month to answer and post them here on the blog! If you have any thoughts or ...
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Weekly Baby Sleep Problem for The Sleep Lady: “Dear Kim, I read your book “Good Night, Sleep Tight” and used The Sleep Lady Shuffle when my daughter was 10 months old. She’s been sleeping great since then. Your book saved my sanity because it used ...
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Weekly Baby Sleep Problem for The Sleep Lady: “My son is now 15 months old and still nursing at morning and night. In everything I read, it always says put your baby in the crib “drowsy but awake.” Is it just me, or is that way harder than it...
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This week’s Toddler Sleep Question for The Sleep Lady: “I have made the mistake of rocking my now 13 month old to sleep. If I attempt to put him in his crib sleepy but awake he will stand and start crying. If I try to lie him back down or soothe him...
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No matter how hard you try to keep your child on a predictable and comforting sleep routine, disruptions are inevitable, and so are some toddler sleep problems. Some routine-busters, like a vacation or a weekend at the grandparents, are planned and welcome. Oth...
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The most common problem by far that I have encountered with children and behavioral sleep disorders is that most children who experience problems falling asleep have never learned to fall asleep without a breast or bottle in their mouths. This problem of needin...
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Many of the families Peter and I have worked with in our practices tell us they have been influenced by literature referring to “attachment theory”. I spent some time writing about this in “Good Night, Sleep Tight“, but I thought it woul...
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