
Category: Child Sleep

6 Tips for Surviving Holiday Sleep Challenges

Ah, the holidays. It’s the most wonderful time of the year…except when it comes time to get your children to bed. Not surprisingly, January is one of my busiest months! The days are shorter, nights are longer (and more exciting!), there are lights, activities, ...
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Early Rising — How to End Those Early Wake-ups

Having a baby is akin to having a human alarm clock. Both wake you up with sudden noise, but what do you do when your baby or toddler wakes before 6:00 am ready to start their day? Sure, the average baby wakes ‘early’ by most adult standards but any t...
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holiday sleep tips

Baby Sleep: My Top 4 Holiday Sleep Tips

Baby Sleep: My Top 4 Holiday Sleep Tips The holidays are quickly approaching, and while they are some of the most joyous times we can experience with our family, they can also be some of the most stressful times. This is especially true with young children whos...
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summer sleep

Summer Sleep Tips: 10 Ways to Improve Summer Slumber

Summer Sleep Tips: 10 Ways to Improve Summer Slumber The days are getting longer, temperatures are rising, and summer is almost here. After rainy spring days, and a cold winter, the warmth is a welcome change. However, many parents don’t realize that this chang...
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early rising child

Early Rising Child: 5 Common Causes and How to Fix It

Early Rising Child: 5 Common Causes and How to Fix It Reader Kiara wrote in about her early rising child: “I have a four and a half and a two and a half-year old and they’re both getting up really early every single morning. Around 5 a.m. is the typical time. F...
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