
Category: Co-Sleep

room sharing for the first year

Room Sharing for the First Year: Is it Right for You?

Room Sharing for the First Year: Is it Right for You? The current American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends to “room share for the first 6-months, or ideally, the first year.” Not the most straight forward instruction, right? I want to give you clarity. I...
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cries until she throws up

My Baby Cries Until She Throws Up — What Should I Do?

My Baby Cries Until She Throws Up — What Should I Do? A mom named Kate wrote in with a concern about her 9 month-old who cries until she throws up at bedtime. She writes: “My 9-month-old still co-sleeps with us and wakes up to 2 to 3 times per night...
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cosleeping with multiple children

Cosleeping with Multiple Children: The Family Bed

Cosleeping with Multiple Children: The Family Bed A family bed — a fancy name for instances when parents are cosleeping with multiple children in a ‘family’ bed — is quite common. Although not many families talk about it, they do need to consider wh...
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cosleeping toddler

Cosleeping Toddler: Teaching Independent Sleep in Your Bed

Cosleeping Toddler: Teaching Independent Sleep in Your Bed At some point, everyone needs to learn to put themselves to sleep, and that includes your cosleeping toddler. The point of cosleeping is to allow everyone in the family to sleep well. That also means th...
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co sleeping newborn

Safe Cosleeping: Creating a Safe Environment for your Baby

Safe Cosleeping: Creating a Safe Environment for your Baby How you choose to sleep is personal, and if you choose to co-sleep, there are a few things you need to know in order to be safe and secure. Parents need to ask themselves a few questions before they mak...
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