The Gentle Parenting Show Podcast
Join Kim West, also known as the Sleep Lady, as she breaks down your top parenting concerns and gives her gentle take.
Not only does Kim believe that you can successfully sleep train your child without leaving them to cry it out alone, but she also teaches shame free parenting.
Most importantly, she knows that even in our imperfection as parents, it is possible to raise resilient, compassionate,
and confident children. Grab a coffee or a glass of wine, throw in your ear pods, and join us!
Subscribe Now to Get the BEST Parenting Advice in Bite-Sized Pieces. All from The Sleep Lady, Kim West,
the original sleep coach and best-selling author.
Newborn Expert Series
We are revisiting some of our favorite podcasts on newborns in honor of those that have contributed
to Kim's upcoming book on newborn sleep launching March 21st. Its available for pre-order here.

Newborn Series: Introducing Solids to Prevent Food Allergies with Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson
On today’s final episode of our Newborn Expert Series on The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson. She’s a pediatrician, health communicator, and Chief Medical Officer for SpoonfulONE. She is known for championing prevention of food allergies in children through early dietary introduction. Dr. Swanson explains that safely including common…

Newborn Series: Naturally Healing Eczema for Life with Dr. Ana-Maria Temple
In today’s Newborn Series episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim interviews Dr. Ana-Maria Temple. Dr. Temple is a holistic pediatrician, best-selling author, mother of 3, and award-winning speaker. She has appeared on over 100 TV News and Podcast segments. During her 22 year career, she has treated over 36,000 patients. Her passion is to…

Newborn Series: Why Meditation and Mindfulness Matters for Kids with Emily Fletcher
We are so excited for today’s Newborn Expert Series episode of the Gentle Parenting Show with Emily Fletcher. From a best-selling meditation book to helping NBA players and Grammy winners learn the practice of meditation and mindfulness, Emily Fletcher has spent the past 10 years developing a unique and effective approach to mindfulness, meditation, and…

Newborn Series: Do I Have Postpartum Depression? Questions to Ask Yourself with Dr. Shosh Bennett.
We are so excited for today’s Newborn Expert Series episode of the Gentle Parenting Show with Dr. Shosh Bennett. In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sits down with her longtime friend and colleague, Dr. Shoshana Bennett. If you’d like to hear Dr. Shosh’s first episode all about the myths of motherhood, listen…

Newborn Series: Bridge the Gap Between Traditional and Holistic Pediatric Care with Dr. Elisa Song
We are so excited for today’s Newborn Expert Series episode of the Gentle Parenting Show with Dr. Elisa Song, MD. Dr. Song is an integrative pediatrician, pediatric functional medicine expert, and mother. She’s helped 1000s of kids get to the root causes of their health concerns and has helped parents understand how to help their…

Newborn Series: Could You Use More Happiness? Practicing Joy with Radha Agrawal of Daybreaker
In today’s special Newborn episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sits down with Radha Agrawal. Radha is an entrepreneur and co-Founder, CEO, and Chief Community Architect of Daybreaker, the global morning dance, music, and wellness movement. As a mother herself, Radha is passionate about practicing joy, finding community, and being present in motherhood. What…

Newborn Series: New Ways Parents Can Find a Village for Support and Well-Being with Amanda Gorman
In today’s special Newborn Series episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Amanda Gorman. Amanda is a wife, mother of two, and the host of the “Finding Your Village” podcast. She is also a childbirth educator and is passionate about birth, postpartum, and parent mental health. Kim and Amanda discuss how to…

Newborn Series: How to Move Past the Myths of Motherhood with Dr. Shoshana Bennett
Over the course of the next 10 podcast episodes we will be revisiting some of our favorite podcast episodes on newborns in honor of those that have contributed to Kim’s upcoming book on newborn sleep launching March 21st. Its available for pre-order here. In today’s special Newborn Expert Series of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim…

Newborn Expert Series: Calming and Understanding a Baby with Colic with Dr. Maryanne Tranter
Over the course of the next 10 podcast episodes we will be revisiting some of our favorite podcast episodes on newborns in honor of those that have contributed to Kim’s upcoming book on newborn sleep launching March 21st. Its available for pre-order here. In today’s Newborn Series episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim spoke…

Newborn Series: 3 Step Method to Calm Parenting with Alison Escalante
Our first episode in our brand new Newborn Expert Series! Over the course of the next 10 podcast episodes we will be revisiting some of our favorite podcast episodes on newborns in honor of those that have contributed to Kim’s upcoming book on newborn sleep launching March 21st. Its available for pre-order here. In this…
Season Three

Does Your Marriage Need More Magic? Relationship Advice with Gaby Sundra
Welcome to the season 3 finale of The Gentle Parenting Show! In this episode we’re joined by Gaby Sundra, who will share practical relationship advice that can help transform your marriage if you feel like lately you and your partner have become more like roommates. Gaby has 25 years of coaching experience and, along with…

The Benefits of Pediatric Acupuncture with Robin Green
On today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show Kim is joined by Robin Green to discuss pediatric acupuncture and its benefits. Robin is an acupuncturist, author, speaker and educator. Through her work, she helps families get to the root causes of eczema, allergies, asthma and other health issues, so they can find relief. Is acupuncture…

Clean Living: Tips for a Healthier Home with Becky Wells
On today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show we welcome Becky Wells. She is a functional nutritional therapy practitioner, a clean living educator, and the founder of The Hippie Moms podcast and social media community. Becky’s mission began when she had her children and her “mama bear” instinct came through, so she started to wonder…

Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor with Jana Danielson
On today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show Kim is joined by Jana Danielson. She is an award-winning wellness entrepreneur and the creator of the Cooch Ball. The world’s first patented pelvic floor fitness tool for women, which was designed to help in strengthening your pelvic floor. When Jana was younger she dealt with undiagnosed…

Dealing with Your Own Sleep Problems Holistically with Dr. Farah Sultan
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show Kim talks to Dr. Farah Sultan. She is the founder of Vitalogy Wellness & Medical Spa, and the creator of The Mandala Method, a holistic medical approach designed to help people with their sleep problems. If you’re already familiar with Kim and her work, you probably know…

How to Be a Better Communicator in Stressful Times with Sam Horn
On today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Sam Horn. She is an award winning author and speaker known for her viral TEDx talks. She has worked as a communications consultant for companies such as NASA, National Geographic and many more. Even though it’s wonderful to welcome a new baby into…

Building Resiliency in Anxious Children with Mary Wilde
Building Resiliency in Anxious Children with Mary Wilde On today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Dr. Mary Wilde. Mary is an integrative pediatrician and owner of Imagine Pediatrics Behavioral Health and Wellness. She uses a strength-based, whole-child approach to address emotional and behavioral issues in kids. Her main focus areas…

Sleep Strategies for Sensory Sensitive Children with Lindsey Biel
Sleep Strategies for Sensory Sensitive Children with Lindsey Biel On today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Lindsey Biel. Lindsey is an occupational therapist who works at a New York-based pediatrician’s office and has been practicing for 23 years. She specializes in sensory processing issues and optimizing learning for sensory-sensitive kids….

Managing Expectations and Supporting Parents with LUMO
Managing Expectations and Supporting Parents with LUMO On today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Sarah Olin and Anna Conathan. Sarah is the founder and CEO of LUMO, and Anna is the co-founder, senior partner, and Chief Creative Officer of LUMO. LUMO’s mission is to support women in their pursuit and…

Debunking Montessori Myths with Jeanne-Marie Paynel
Debunking Montessori Myths with Jeanne-Marie Paynel On today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Jeanne-Marie Paynel, M.Ed, a parenting mentor and home consultant. She is the host of The Art of Parenting podcast where she guides expectant parents, caregivers, and parents of young children to better prepare their home and themselves…

How to Naturally Treat ADHD Symptoms in Our Children with Dana Kay
How to Naturally Treat ADHD Symptoms in Our Children with Dana Kay On today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Dana Kay – a Board-Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Practitioner, and the CEO and founder of the ADHD Thrive Institute. Today Kim and Dana will discuss Dana’s own personal story with…

3 Temperaments to Consider When Potty Training
On today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is once again joined by Alexis Granelli – her co-creator of the Gentle Potty Course. Today Kim and Alexis address why they believe a child’s temperament is a huge factor in the success of potty training. They also address a parent’s temperament and how to avoid…

The Issue With ‘Boot Camp’ Potty Training
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Alexis Granelli – a certified Gentle Sleep Coach and Gentle Potty Coach. Kim and Alexis want to break down why the rigid, boot camp approach to potty training doesn’t work for every child or family. They cover how potty training is not just…
Season Two

Supporting Fathers to be Caregivers and Nurturers with Mike Thompson
On today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Mike Thompson. Mike is the founder of The Father Show Resource Program. He wants to discuss fatherhood and the importance of father’s in a child’s life. Mike is a father, stepfather, and grandfather. In 2004, he launched The Father Program as a nonprofit…

Tips for Calming and Connecting With Emotionally Intense Kids with Samantha Moe
On today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sits with Samantha Moe. Samantha is a certified parent coach and speaker and has coached parents on how to help their children calm, connect and cooperate. She provides continuing education, advanced training, and parent coach certification for family service professionals who support intense kids and…

The Secret to Successful Sleep Training
Today, Kim is solo on the show to talk about the biggest secret to sleep training success – consistency! No matter what sleep training method you choose (more on those methods HERE), consistency is the key to sleeping for you and your child. Kim says to “not even start sleep training until you’re 200% in…

How to Gently End Co-Sleeping With Your Baby
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is solo to discuss co-sleeping. In a previous podcast, she explained how to improve the quality of sleep for both parents and children while co-sleeping, but today she talks specifically about ending co-sleeping. In her thoughts today, she’ll outline steps to end co-sleeping with a baby…

Teaching Little Kids About Big Emotions with Nadine Levitt
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Nadine Levitt. Nadine is the leading Glocal Education Expert specializing in emotional intelligence, feelings, and inspiring the complete reimagination of the educational system. Nadine is revolutionizing the way children are educated through creativity, music, artistry, and entrepreneurship. Today Kim and Nadine talk about…

Tips to Improve Sleep While Co-Sleeping
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting show, Kim gives a solo discussion all about co-sleeping. Around 60% of parents end up co-sleeping within the first year of their baby’s life (whether intentional or not). Sleep training, night weaning, and sleeping through the night can be difficult when co-sleeping, but Kim breaks down her tips…

How Can a Gentle Sleep Coach Help You? with Georgina Gonzalez
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by one of her certified Gentle Sleep Coaches, Georgina Gonzalez. Georgina was a previously sleep-deprived mother who is passionate about wellbeing, building meaningful relationships, and helping parents navigate the trials of parenthood. Georgina was saved by a Gentle Sleep Coach when her life turned…

What the Parenting Books Get Wrong with Dr. Joel Gator
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting show, Kim is joined by Dr. Joel “Gator” Warsh. He is a board-certified pediatrician in Los Angeles who specializes in parenting, wellness, and integrative medicine. Dr. Gator has published research in peer-reviewed journals on topics including childhood injuries, obesity, and physical activity. He has been featured in numerous…

Encouraging Calmness in Children With Anxiety with Luminara Serdar
On today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Luminara Serdar. Luminara is an autism recovery expert who helps parents discover and address the root causes of their child’s challenging behaviors so that a child can be calm, happy, develop to peer level, and gain independence. Her mission is for all parents…

Prevent Picky Eating for Life with Katie Kimball
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Katie Kimball. Katie is a blogger, former teacher, and mom of 4 kids. She founded the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse, which was recommended by the Wall Street Journal as the best online cooking class for kids. She is passionate about helping families…

Naturally Healing Eczema for Life with Dr. Ana-Maria Temple
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim interviews Dr. Ana-Maria Temple. Dr. Temple is a holistic pediatrician, best-selling author, mother of 3, and award-winning speaker. She has appeared on over 100 TV News and Podcast segments. During her 22 year career, she has treated over 36,000 patients. Her passion is to inspire, educate…

Could You Use More Happiness? Practicing Joy with Radha Agrawal of Daybreaker
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sits down with Radha Agrawal. Radha is an entrepreneur and co-Founder, CEO, and Chief Community Architect of Daybreaker, the global morning dance, music, and wellness movement. As a mother herself, Radha is passionate about practicing joy, finding community, and being present in motherhood. What is a…
Season One

Embracing and Empowering Your Strong-Willed Child with Randi Rubenstein
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sits down with Randi Rubenstein. Randi is the founder of Mastermind Parenting, host of the Mastermind Parenting Podcast, and author of The Parent Gap. Her mission is that every human deserves to have a family that gets along and no one should ever feel like the…

How To Combat Parental Stress for Yourself and Your Kids with Dr. Erin Kinney
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim talked with one of her own personal doctors, Dr. Erin Kinney. Dr. Kinney specializes in parental stress and is a Naturopathic Doctor who helps patients improve their mood, balance their hormones and increase their energy. She is passionate about teaching her patients to understand why stress…

The 5 Keys to Wellness for Kids with Dr. Brian Stenzler
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim welcomes Dr. Brian Stenzler. Dr. Stenzler is the best-selling author of D.R.E.A.M Wellness: The 5 Keys to Raising Kids for a Lifetime of Physical and Mental Health. He is a Doctor of Chiropractic and owns and operates numerous wellness centers. He is passionate about helping families…

Do I Have Postpartum Depression? Questions to Ask Yourself with Dr. Shosh Bennett.
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sits down with her longtime friend and colleague, Dr. Shoshana Bennett. If you’d like to hear Dr. Shosh’s first episode all about the myths of motherhood, listen HERE. Dr. Shosh, a clinical psychologist, is an expert on prenatal and postpartum depression and related mood and anxiety…

Find Sleep and Peace as a Special Needs Parent with Katie Holloran
.In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim welcomed back gentle sleep coach Katie Holloran. Katie has earned her Master’s in Special Education. She has taught and worked with children with Autism and Developmental Delays in Public, Private and Charter schools. She co-authored a book with Kim West titled The Good Night Sleep Tight…

Bridge the Gap Between Traditional and Holistic Pediatric Care with Dr. Elisa Song
We are so excited for today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show with Dr. Elisa Song, MD. Dr. Song is an integrative pediatrician, pediatric functional medicine expert, and mother. She’s helped 1000s of kids get to the root causes of their health concerns and has helped parents understand how to help their children thrive –…

The Importance of Picture Books for Our Children with Author Markita Staples-Green
On today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by author Markita Staples-Green. Markita is the author and illustrator of the bestselling picture book series, The Curly Crew. Her books feature a diverse set of characters as they interact with the world, with topics that include sleep, self-empowerment, emotional development, and other topics….

Battling Parental Burnout with Shelley Kemmerer
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim talks with Shelley Kemmerer, PA-C, MCHS. Shelley is the founder of Run Tell Mom which offers parental wellbeing resources that are tailored for your unique household. They provide resources to improve sleep, prevent burnout, connections to parent support groups, locate family activities and local essential services,…

Tips on How to Communicate With Your Partner with Dr. Sarah Rattray
Wondering how to better communicate with your partner? In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim takes a turn to talk specifically to couples and parents. She interviews Dr. Sarah Rattray, the founder and CEO of the Couples Communication Institute. Dr. Rattray is dedicated to helping couples achieve lasting closeness and intimacy through effective…

Sleep Training Advice Based on Your Child’s Temperament with Macall Gordon
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Podcast, Kim West sits down with longtime friend and certified Gentle Sleep Coach, Macall Gordon. This is Macall’s second time on the podcast, to listen to her first episode all about sleep training research, head HERE. Macall holds an MA in Applied Psychology from Antioch University, Seattle with…

Understanding Tears, Tantrums and Whining with Kathryn Kvols
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sits down with Kathryn Kvols. Kathryn is a mother of 5 who struggled with her parenting over the years. Through her 30 years of studying multiple courses and books, she wrote her book and education course “Redirecting Children’s Behavior.” Her course is being taught in 21…

Navigating Breastfeeding and Newborn Allergies with Trill Paullin, Ph.D.
Today Kim had the opportunity to sit down with Trill Paullin to discuss food sensitivities and allergies in breastfed children. Trill is a Molecular Biologist who has two children that faced severe allergies and sensitivities while breastfeeding. Because of this, she started research on producing easy-to-digest breast milk. Through her own journey, Trill discovered…

There Is No Such Thing as No Crying Sleep Training with Kim West
In this episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim goes solo to break down a hot topic: no crying sleep training. While there is such a thing as gentle sleep training (check out Kim’s world-renowned sleep training program HERE), there is no such thing as no crying sleep training. In this episode, Kim breaks…

Wellness, Nutrition and Smoothie Blends for All Stages of Mothering with Lisa Mastela
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sat down with Lisa Mastela, MPH and RD. Lisa is passionate about nutrition. With her experience as a registered dietitian and as a mother of 2, she saw a huge gap in wellness for moms. She founded Bumpin Blends, a company that makes and delivers dietitian-designed…

Recognizing Stress and Anxiety in our Children with Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sat down with Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge who is the founder of The Global Institute of Children’s Mental Health. Her work has helped thousands of children reverse the most challenging conditions: ADHD, anxiety, mood, Lyme, and PANS/PANDAS using proven holistic therapies. Today’s conversation focuses on the difference…

New Ways Parents Can Find a Village for Support and Well-Being with Amanda Gorman
In today’s episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim is joined by Amanda Gorman. Amanda is a wife, mother of two, and the host of the “Finding Your Village” podcast. She is also a childbirth educator and is passionate about birth, postpartum, and parent mental health. Kim and Amanda discuss how to find your…

How to Move Past the Myths of Motherhood with Dr. Shoshana Bennett
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sits down with her longtime friend and colleague, Dr. Shoshana Bennett to discuss motherhood myths. Dr. Shosh, a clinical psychologist, is an expert on prenatal and postpartum depression and related mood and anxiety disorders. She is the author of the best-selling book “Postpartum Depression for Dummies”,…

Adapting Common Sleep Tips for Special Needs Children with Katie Holloran
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sat down with long-time gentle sleep coach, Katie Holloran. Katie co-authored a book with Kim, the Good Night Sleep Tight Workbook for Children with Special Needs. Katie has run her own business supporting families as a teacher, special education teacher, behavior analyst, and sleep coach since…

Calming and Understanding a Baby with Colic with Dr. Maryanne Tranter
In today’s episode of The Gentle Parenting Show, Kim spoke with Dr. Maryanne Tranter, an expert pediatric nurse practitioner, researcher, and parent mentor. Dr. Tranter is the founder of The Healthy Child Concierge where she helps parents with their anxieties and worries for their children and works to resolve them. Dr. Tranter has 25 years…

There are Only 3 Sleep Training Methods with Kim West
In today’s episode, Kim goes solo for the first time since launching the podcast – and for a good reason. With 27 years of sleep training experience, Kim knows that every style of sleep training can be broken down into 3 main methods. It’s so important to speak up on this. A lot of new…

How to Interpret Research for Sleep Training Methods and Find What Works for You with Macall Gordon
Trying to wade through all the data on sleep training methods? In today’s informative episode of the Gentle Parenting Podcast, Kim West sits down with a longtime friend and certified Gentle Sleep Coach, Macall Gordon. Macall holds an MA in Applied Psychology from Antioch University, Seattle with a specialization in infant mental health, including attachment…

3 Step Method to Calm Parenting with Alison Escalante
In this episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sat down with Alison Escalante, MD. Alison is a Pediatrician, speaker, writer, mother, and TEDx speaker. She has reached hundreds of thousands of parents with her TEDx talk “The Should Storm” (watch HERE). Alison is an expert in calm parenting and shares her mistakes, lessons, and…

What Parents of Multiples and Singleton Parents Can Learn From Each Other with Natalie Diaz
Natalie Diaz is a mom, community leader, author, and founder of Twiniversity – the world’s leading resource for parents of multiples. She is seen as a global influencer for this small niche community and is the #1 twin parenting and twin gear expert. Natalie serves as a twin consultant for parents, a Certified Lactation Counselor,…

7 Survival Tips for Any New Parent with Amber Trueblood
If you’re a new parent, listen up. Today’s guest – an author, podcaster, and public speaker, Amber Trueblood brings clarity and inspiration to busy moms. In addition to running her own personal development brand, Amber has an MBA, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and is the mother of four homeschooled boys between…

Why Meditation and Mindfulness Matters for Kids with Emily Fletcher
From a best-selling meditation book to helping NBA players and Grammy winners learn the practice of meditation and mindfulness, Emily Fletcher has spent the past 10 years developing a unique and effective approach to mindfulness, meditation, and manifestation. Emily is the founder of Ziva Meditation, and now, Ziva Kids, meditation for kids program (use code sleeplady…
Want to Be a Guest on The Gentle Parenting Show?
Do you have expert advice that you know would just be a game-changer for today’s stressed out parents?
Then we want you to be a guest on the Gentle Parenting Show!
Together, we’ll break down today’s top parenting advice in a fun and laid back style. Busy parents don’t have the time to sit down and read all the parenting books out there, and together we’ll break down the best tips and help them become empowered in their parenting skills.
Kim West, The Sleep Lady as a guest on your favorite podcasts
The Gentle Parenting Show, created by Kim West
The Sleep Lady
In the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim West will interview parenting experts on everything from mindfulness to developmental milestones and how it relates to gentle parenting.
Kim West is a LCSW-C, bestselling author and founder of a world-renowned gentle sleep training method. She and her team of Gentle Sleep Coaches have helped over 1 million families find gentle sleep through her courses, best-selling book and 1:1 coaching. Kim is the only baby sleep expert out there with 25-years of experience, and she’s seen everything when it comes to parenting.