
Tag: baby sleep

Confessions of a Gentle Sleep Coach

Raise your hand if you can relate: Life lessons always seem to be learned the “hard way.” You’re so busy juggling life and hurdling obstacles that more often than not it takes a near crisis for those long-awaited and much coveted “a-ha moments” to filter throug...
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How To Help An Early Riser Sleep In

 Would you like me to answer your baby sleep coaching problem in my next video? If so, post your question on my Facebook Page! I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog! Hi. I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and today I’m going...
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baby only sleeps 4 hours

My One-Year-Old Only Sleeps 4 Hours In A Row

Would you like me to answer your baby sleep coaching problem in my next video? If so, post your question on my Facebook Page! I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog! Hi. I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and today I’m going t...
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The Sleep Lady’s Top 6 Tips for Getting Quality Sleep

As you probably know by now, I am passionate about sleep and I love helping moms and dads with sleep coaching their babies so that these little ones can gain the incredibly important life skill of learning how to sleep on their own. Although my work is primaril...
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The Sleep Lady’s Top 10 Vlogs of 2015

Each month, I strive to answer the questions that you email and post on my Facebook Wall, and a few of these make it into my “Ask The Sleep Lady” video series. I began this series as a way to connect with my fans and readers, and I love answering your questions...
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4 Essential Tips To Make School Mornings Better

Many of you have already started back to school, which is both wonderful and slightly terrifying-especially if you’ve been struggling with sleep. For those of you who are starting back this week or next, you have a little bit of time to help prepare your kids f...
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When Should I Night Wean My Toddler?

Would you like me to answer your baby sleep problem in my next video? If so, click on the button to the right that says “Click Here to Ask the Sleep Lady” and submit your question. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here o...
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Why Parents Lie About Sleep

The Stir recently published an interesting article examining the reasons that parents lie about co-sleeping, which got me thinking about how parents lie about their children’s sleep, period. It’s astonishing to me how many parents do not share their struggles, ...
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