
Tag: baby sleep advice

When Should I Night Wean My Toddler?

Would you like me to answer your baby sleep problem in my next video? If so, click on the button to the right that says “Click Here to Ask the Sleep Lady” and submit your question. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here o...
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Why Sleep Coaching Will Not Ruin Your Parent-Child Bond

Lately, it seems like everyone who hears “sleep coaching” assumes that crying has to be involved. Thanks to movies (and the very first sleep book out there), this isn’t surprising. What many parents don’t realize is that sleep coaching CAN be gentle, approachab...
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Why Parents Lie About Sleep

The Stir recently published an interesting article examining the reasons that parents lie about co-sleeping, which got me thinking about how parents lie about their children’s sleep, period. It’s astonishing to me how many parents do not share their struggles, ...
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Could Your Toddlers Tantrums Be Caused by Poor Sleep?

I’m sure that you’ve noticed when you don’t sleep well, you’re cranky, short tempered, and not nearly as understanding as nights when you get sufficient sleep. For our children, you may find that they don’t listen as well, are more difficult, and more resistanc...
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How Much Should My Baby Cry During Sleep Coaching?

  Would you like me to answer your baby sleep problem in my next video? If so, scroll down and submit your question in the comment section below. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog!   Hi, I’m Kim West, the S...
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Why isn’t My Baby Sleeping?

  Would you like me to answer your baby sleep problem in my next video? If so, scroll down and submit your question in the comment section below. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog!   Hi, I’m Kim West, the S...
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Why a Consistent Bedtime is Incredibly Important

You may have noticed that your child shows signs of being tired well before his designated “bedtime”. Nowadays, with so many parents working, and such packed schedules, bedtimes are getting to be later and later, or worse, all over the place. If you find yourse...
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Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety and Your Baby’s Sleep

Just last week your baby was the life of the party. She loved being passed around to grandma, your neighbors, and smiled that adorable smile at everyone in the grocery store. Today, though? She’s clingy, fussy, and screams for you whenever anyone, even your par...
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