Many families travel during the holidays, and whether you’re driving or flying, jet lag can put a real hiccup in your plans — especially if you have little kids. There is research to suggest that our bodies can adjust to one, or possibly two time zones in...
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Jen Varela, Certified Gentle Sleep Coach, shares her top sleep tips for your baby. Sleep Begets Sleep It is amazing how this works! What time does your baby go to sleep at night? Is it too late? Did you miss the “sweet spot” sleepy window? For babies six months...
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It seems like whenever you get into a good routine, something changes. Most recently, it seems to be Daylight Savings Time. Whether your main problem is that the sun rises too early in the morning, shines too brightly throughout the day or stays in the sky too ...
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So many parents ask me the same question: “Do I have to sleep coach? Will my child just outgrow this?” My answer is always the same: sleep is a learned skill. Many parents are surprised to learn that sleep is not something you’re born with, rather, it’s up to u...
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As parents we aren’t given an instruction manual with our baby, but wouldn’t that be nice? Just imagine all of the second-guessing and baby sleep mistakes we could avoid! The doctor delivers your baby, the nurse hands you the instruction booklet, detailing out ...
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Would you like to have me answer your sleep question in my next video? If so, scroll down and submit your question in the comment section below. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog! If you would rather read than watch ...
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Nearly every parent has experienced a night when your child just won’t sleep; or maybe your toddler has been waking consistently at 2:00 a.m. for the past month. Regardless of when you’ve experienced night wakings, most of us wonder at some point if our child c...
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While my guidelines for sleep may be applied no matter how many children you have, things get a little more complicated when multiples are involved (especially when you start sleep coaching multiples). Parents have two (or more) babies to feed, change, and soot...
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As your baby gets older, you will notice some major developmental changes that usually happen between six and eight months, including crawling, the (potential) transition from three naps down to two, as well as an increase in your baby’s separation anxiety. Tha...
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We’ve talked a lot about co-sleeping, and there are many benefits to safely co-sleeping with your children. But what if you’re ready to make a change and end your co-sleeping relationship? Maybe no one is sleeping (remember, families that contact me who are co-...
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