This week, I’m answering Cat’s question about sleep and post partum depression: “My son is two and a half and was recently transitioned from one nap at day care at around 11:30 or 12:00 to no naps because he was refusing to sleep until 9:30 or 10:00...
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Huffington Post recently published an article entitled When Post Partum Depression Doesn’t Go Away. Certainly, there are far more new moms out there suffering from post partum depression (PPD) that have been diagnosed, and many just assume that it’s “baby blues...
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Written by Dr. Shosh I’m a survivor of two life-threatening postpartum depressions. At the time of my illnesses, there was no help for me. The great news is that, if you’re suffering from depression in pregnancy or postpartum or know someone who is, there’s hel...
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I recently went to a workshop on Post Partum Depression (PPD) and was shocked and saddened to hear how prevalent and largely untreated PPD is. As a mother and social worker, I felt compelled to write about this topic in my newsletter and to encourage each of yo...
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