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Kims’ best-selling book can guide you when navigating newborn sleep and beyond. For newborns, the book helps you focus on setting yourself and your newborn up for sleep success. There is plenty you can do for your little sleepyhead now, even if they aren’t developmentally ready to be coached to sleep. The book will guide you to gently shape your newborns’ sleep habits by teaching soothing techniques, how to create a sleep friendly environment and a soothing pre-sleep routine. In the future, it will serve as a great guide to sleep train your baby when you are both ready.


I find crying it out (CIO) and Ferber to be rather brutal approaches and wanted something much gentler with minimal crying. This did the trick…

– Katclimber: AMAZON Top Contributor: Baby

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Sleeping like a baby sounds great, but any parent of a 6-12-month-old infant can tell you that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Sometimes, babies won’t sleep! The good news? At this age, it is easier to sleep train your baby than it would be at an older age.

Keep reading to see how we answer common questions like how long should a baby sleep, how to get your baby to sleep through the night and how to schedule baby’s naps, and general tips on what to when when your baby is not sleeping!! Our approach is to prioritize the sleep your baby needs, and work the rest of their schedule around that. We want to help you improve your baby’s sleep, whether it’s sleeping through the night or taking consistent naps. And, we want to teach you how to do it all  without letting your baby cry it out.

Have no idea where to begin solving your child’s sleep issues?

Start with this guide.

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sleep training baby

Sleep Training – Age To Be & How To Start

At a Glance: Sleep Training Basics Age to Start: Usually 4–6 months, when babies are developmentally ready. Popular Methods: Gentlest approach: Sleep Lady Shuffle Gentle approaches: Chair Method, Bedtime Fading, Pick Up/Put Down. Others: Cry It Out (CIO), Ferbe...
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8-Month-Old Sleep Schedule: A Gentle Approach

At 8 months old, your baby is busy exploring the world—crawling, babbling, and maybe even pulling up to stand! These exciting milestones are wonderful but can sometimes cause disruptions in their sleep. If your little one is suddenly fighting naps or waking mor...
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mom sleep tips

12-Month-Old Sleep Schedule: A Gentle Approach

By the time your baby turns 12 months old, their sleep routine may feel unpredictable. As they start walking, talking, and exploring, their world is expanding rapidly—which can make sleep more challenging. If you’re dealing with nap struggles or night wake-ups,...
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11-month-old who wakes

Wake Windows by Age

Wake windows are the periods your child stays awake between sleep times, and they change as your baby grows. Understanding age-appropriate wake windows helps build a balanced sleep routine, preventing overtiredness and promoting more restful sleep. Knowing thes...
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Teaching your baby the skill of falling asleep independently creates a life-long solid sleeper.

3 Step Method to Calm Parenting

In this episode of the Gentle Parenting Show, Kim sat down with Alison Escalante, MD. Alison is a Pediatrician, speaker, writer, mother, and TEDx speaker. Kim spoke with Alison about her 3-step method to help parents calmly raise their kids and ENJOY doing it. Alison was able to break down her 3-step method, which we’ll walk you through below, but first, she discussed why this matters so much in today’s world with a never-ending “should storm”.

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