
Author: Kim West, MSW, Mom of 2, creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle

baby wakes up

My Baby Wakes Up Constantly Throughout the Night!

My Baby Wakes Up Constantly Throughout the Night! A mom wrote in with a question we hear often. This baby wakes up constantly, and her mom is ready to solve her baby’s sleep problems. “My daughter has turned just seven months old and has never slept throu...
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toddler schedule

13 Month – 18 month Sleep & Nap Schedule

At this age toddlers need an average of 11.25 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night and 2.25 to 2.5 hours of naps during the day. Children at the younger end of this age bracket take two naps, in the morning and afternoon, but by eighteen months most consolidat...
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toddler schedule

9 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule

At 9 months, your baby is becoming more active, curious, and engaged with the world, but they still need plenty of quality sleep. A consistent routine will help them sleep better at night and take restorative naps during the day. Most 9-month-olds are on a two-...
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sleep schedules

6 Month Old Sleep Schedule

By 6 months, your baby is ready for more predictable sleep patterns. While some night wakings may still happen, this is a great time to establish a structured sleep schedule that supports longer, more restful sleep. With the right routine and gentle guidance, y...
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Bedtime Routine for Toddlers

Bedtime Routine for Toddlers — Soothing and Predictable

Bedtime Routine for Toddlers — Soothing and Predictable For toddlers and preschoolers, the bedtime routine can often be the most challenging part of the day. It means another transition and separation from you, at the same time that everyone in the househ...
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sleep training baby

Sleep Training – Age To Be & How To Start

At a Glance: Sleep Training Basics Age to Start: Usually 4–6 months, when babies are developmentally ready. Popular Methods: Gentlest approach: Sleep Lady Shuffle Gentle approaches: Chair Method, Bedtime Fading, Pick Up/Put Down. Others: Cry It Out (CIO), Ferbe...
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