
Author: Kim West, MSW, Mom of 2, creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle

back to school sleep

The Back To School Sleep Transition: Routine is Everything

Tips For The Back To School Sleep Transition: Routine is Everything For many of you, school is starting in the next few weeks. That means earlier mornings, and potentially an earlier bedtime. Many families slowly migrate to a later bedtime during the summer. Da...
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Sensory Processing Disorder, Sleep, and…Sandwiches?

We all know, “that kid”. The one who seems to move to the beat of their own drum. Maybe “that kid” is…yours. He’s fine as long as he’s doing his own thing, but thrust into an organized activity or classroom with behavioral expectations and, well, he’s in the co...
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coronavirus stress

Coronavirus: How to Manage Stress and Talk to Your Kids

None of us has ever experienced what we’re going through right now — a global pandemic. While some are buying up all the toilet paper, and others are scrambling for childcare, the small people in our lives are watching. They hear us talking about coronavirus or...
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Sleep Schedules – Your Two-and-a-Half to Five-Year-Old

Sleep Schedules – Your Two-and-a-Half to Five-Year-Old Preschool sleep needs change quickly! Between ages two and three, average sleep needs drop to about ten and a half hours a night, plus an hour-and-a-half afternoon nap*. Four year olds need eleven and...
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Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide — Something for Everyone

Let’s face it: we all procrastinate. When you become a parent, holiday procrastination just comes with the territory. If you have small children, you’re probably never alone in a store for any length of time. Before you know it, it’s time to start wrappin...
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