
Author: Kim West, MSW, Mom of 2, creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle

9 Ways New Dads Can Bond With Their Newborn Baby

Being a new parent is a difficult, yet rewarding task for everyone in the house. While many moms may instinctively take charge from the moment of birth, new dads sometimes stand aside wondering what they can do to be involved. Armin Brott, author of “Ask Mr. Da...
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early bedtime

10 Benefits of an Early Bedtime For Your Child

This article originally appeared in US News & World Report Many of your child’s sleep struggles may be significantly lessened by one new habit: an early bedtime. I often talk to parents whose children struggle with waking up at night, early rising, and...
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VLOG: My Toddler Wakes Every Night and Won’t Take a Nap

Hi. I’m Kim West, the Sleep Lady, and in this video, I’m going to answer Samantha’s question about her toddler who wakes every night. She posted the following on my Facebook page: My son is two and a half and doesn’t sleep a lot in the day, and goes from 5:00 a...
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