
Author: Kim West, MSW, Mom of 2, creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle

mindfulness parenting

Mindfulness Parenting with Jennifer Waldburger, MSW

Mindfulness Parenting with Jennifer Waldburger, MSW Whether you gave birth months ago or years ago — you are probably far more alert now than you were before you became a parent.  Even if you feel like you have “mommy brain.” That’s because you’re ta...
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wean the pacifier

Wean The Pacifier! How to Sleep Train Without the Binkey

A reader named Holly wrote in about how to wean the pacifier and get some better sleep for her nine month-old. She writes: “My nine-month-old still wakes up four times a night for apparently no reason. Any advice? I give her water in the night and her dummy (pa...
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cries until she throws up

My Baby Cries Until She Throws Up — What Should I Do?

My Baby Cries Until She Throws Up — What Should I Do? A mom named Kate wrote in with a concern about her 9 month-old who cries until she throws up at bedtime. She writes: “My 9-month-old still co-sleeps with us and wakes up to 2 to 3 times per night...
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Hands-Up! Swaddling With LoveToDream SwaddleUP

Hands-Up! Swaddling With LoveToDream SwaddleUP The topic of swaddling brings up so many questions from parents. Should I? What if my baby doesn’t seem to like it?  When do I stop? How do I transition my baby out of a swaddle? Did you know that in Canada th...
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