
Author: Kim West, MSW, Mom of 2, creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle

wean your breastfeeding toddler

7 Tips to Gently Wean Your Breastfeeding Toddler

7 Tips to Gently Wean Your Breastfeeding Toddler If you’ve made it to toddlerhood and are still breastfeeding, kudos to you! Breastfeeding is a huge commitment, both emotionally and physically. There comes a point, though, when you’re going to wean your b...
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baby and child sleep questions

Baby and Child Sleep Questions: Your Questions, Answered

Baby and Child Sleep Questions: Your Questions, Answered Are you trying to get your 8-month-old to  nap? Do you have a 4-year-old Houdini who needs to stay in his bed? We get so many baby and child sleep questions, and many of them are repeated often. As a...
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nursing through the night

Nursing Through The Night: When is it Time to Stop?

Nursing Through The Night: When is it Time to Stop? A reader named Carly wrote in a question about nursing through the night with her toddler. She asks: “My 14-month-old is still nursing through the night. I put him down awake and leave the room and he goes to ...
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facts about newborn sleep

Six Facts About Newborn Sleep: What You Should Know

Six Facts About Newborn Sleep: What You Should Know When you’re expecting, you plan for everything. You buy 20 different bottles, get at least three flanges for your pump, make sure you have ALL the options for swaddle blankets, and stock up on cute onesies. Bu...
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