Babies in Their Own Room at 4-months Sleep Longer? Not Necessarily You may have seen headlines about a study that found that babies in their own room sleep longer and better. The study published in the June 2017 issue of Pediatrics reported that “room-sharing a...
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Baby Sleep and Temperament: How it Affects Sleep and Everything Else Did your baby come out of the womb ready to take on the world? Alert babies are fun, smart, and often have a hard time with sleep. Baby sleep and temperament are so connected that it often req...
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Sleep Training at Four Months? Why it May Be Better to Wait Just a caveat before we start: If you started sleep training at four months and it worked well without a lot of stress, this article isn’t for you. For some families, with predictable, mellow babies or...
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We Must Stop Blaming Parents for Baby Sleep Problems This article has been reprinted with permission. Original title: “Sleep research and advice is full of parent-shaming and it needs to stop“ I recently met a woman who told me that when her baby wa...
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