
Category: Ask The Sleep Lady Videos

cries herself sick

My Child Cries Herself Sick When I Put Her in Her Own Bed

My Child Cries Herself Sick When I Put Her in Her Own Bed A reader named Brandy wrote to me for some advice. Her daughter was sleep-trained, but is struggling after an illness, and now she cries herself sick when she is put into her crib. Here’s what she ...
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sleep coaching a four year old

Sleep Training a Four-Year-Old — Ask the Sleep Lady

Sleep Training a Four-Year-Old — Ask the Sleep Lady A mom named Ally wrote to my Facebook page asking about sleep training a four-year-old. She asked: My daughter is almost four years old and has been having a hard time lately falling asleep without our a...
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How to Handle Wakeful Windows During Nap Transitions

 Hi. I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and today I’m going to answer Miriam’s question about wakeful windows during nap transitions: “My eight-month-old son is breastfed, rocked to sleep, and sleeps in our bed. He’s also taking solids and is close to walking...
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Why Isn’t My Toddler Sleeping Through The Night?

Hi, Kim West, The Sleep Lady and in today’s vlog, I’m going to answer Michelle’s question about her toddler sleeping through the night: “My child is 1 year old and still does not sleep through the night. I’ve tried different routines and nothing changes his bed...
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Sleeping Through the Night — Why Did My Baby Stop?

If you would rather read than watch my above video then here is the transcript of this week’s baby sleep problem video: Hi! I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady. Today, I’m going to answer an exhausted mom’s email question about her 10-month-old baby’s slee...
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