
Category: Gentle Potty Training Method

potty training myths

The Potty Training Myth Buster Guide

Every parent has been there – you decide you’re ready to potty train your child. You tell family and friends and you’re hit from all directions with stories, advice, horror tales, and more. This can make any parent nervous, but we’re here to tell you that you c...
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4 Signs of Potty Training Readiness

4 Signs of Potty Training Readiness One of the most asked questions  in the potty learning process is “what are the signs of potty training readiness?” Parents may be waiting for a sign from their child before they start potty training, but today we want t...
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How to Prepare for Potty Training: 4 Things to Consider

How to Prepare for Potty Training: 4 Things to Consider In creating the Gentle Potty Course, we felt strongly that we needed to help families prepare to potty train just as much as we had to teach about potty learning itself. Potty learning success means prepar...
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