Working With a Sleep Coach — 6 Tips for Success You have finally decided that bedtime and night wakings have been hard enough for long enough. And naps are a wrestling match you feel like you just aren’t winning. Now you’re ready for sleep coaching and have dec...
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Transition from the Crib — When and How to Make It a Smooth One All too often, parents rush to get their child to transition from the crib into a bed, as though it were a sign of achievement, maturity, or their guaranteed success as adults. Children who s...
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7 Tips to Gently Wean Your Breastfeeding Toddler If you’ve made it to toddlerhood and are still breastfeeding, kudos to you! Breastfeeding is a huge commitment, both emotionally and physically. There comes a point, though, when you’re going to wean your b...
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Should I Swaddle My Newborn? Everything You Need to Know for Safe Swaddling Whether you’re expecting for the first time or have just welcomed your first baby, it’s likely you have been overrun with parenting advice from all angles. Just about every piece of gea...
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Stop Swaddling Your Baby? Answering the Controversial Question When your baby is in the hospital, your nurse hands her to you neatly swaddled, peaceful, and rested baby. Many parents take a class before their baby is born to learn how to properly care for baby,...
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Infant Massage – Ten Steps to a More Peaceful Baby Giving your baby an infant massage can help baby relax and drift off to sleep. Have you ever had a massage? The lights are low, soft music gently floats through the air, your thoughts drift as you sink onto a d...
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6-Month-Old Sleep Schedule At around 6 months old, babies need an average of eleven hours of uninterrupted nighttime sleep, and three and a half hours of daytime naps spread over two to three naps*. From six through eight months, babies become more mobile. They...
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Bottle Weaning – Saying “Bye Bye” to the Bottle for Good There are so many factors that affect baby and toddler sleep. If your toddler (or even preschooler) is using a bottle at naps, bedtime, or to re-settle overnight, then he or she might be...
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Back-To-School Routines for your Special Needs Child with Checklists As parents at the end of summer — for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere — it’s easy to put off the bedtime routine piece of our back-to-school checklist until the very last mo...
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Sample Schedules: Sleep and Naps From 6 Months to Preschool Sometimes it seems like babies and young children grow up in the blink of an eye. They leave behind one skill and gain another as fast as you can get out your camera. While they are growing, their slee...
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