
Tag: my baby will not sleep

Sleeping Through the Night — Why Did My Baby Stop?

If you would rather read than watch my above video then here is the transcript of this week’s baby sleep problem video: Hi! I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady. Today, I’m going to answer an exhausted mom’s email question about her 10-month-old baby’s slee...
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My Toddler Refuses to Go to Sleep

Would you like to have me answer your toddler sleep problem in my next video? If so, scroll down and submit your question in the comment section below. I will pick several questions each month to answer and post them here on the blog! Hi. I’m Kim West, th...
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Baby Sleep: What Does it Really Mean to "Sleep Like a Baby?"

by Andrea Strang, CGSC Why has “Sleep Like a Baby” become our shorthand for a good night’s sleep? As parents, you may quickly come to realize that your baby’s sleep patterns differ from yours. Babies spend more time in light sleep and less time in what we would...
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