My One Year Old Is Awake for Hours at Night! Help Me Get Her to Sleep A mom named Michelle wrote in because her one year old is awake for hours at night. I have advice for this mom that can also help you! “My daughter is almost a year old. For the past co...
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My Toddler is Waking and Screaming at Night! What Should I Do? A reader named Natalie wrote in with a question. Her toddler is waking and screaming at night. She writes: Hi there. My 19-month-old goes to bed fine, but he is waking and screaming at night until h...
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My Toddler Can’t Self-Soothe at Bedtime — Tips for Better Sleep A reader named Maria wrote in about her toddler who can’t self-soothe at bedtime. She’s looking for some bedtime advice: “My son is almost 14 months old. I never sleep train...
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My Baby Wakes Up Constantly Throughout the Night! A mom wrote in with a question we hear often. This baby wakes up constantly, and her mom is ready to solve her baby’s sleep problems. “My daughter has turned just seven months old and has never slept throu...
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Why Newborns Wake at Night and 10 Things You Can Do About It Some newborn babies seem to be born as night owls, with longer stretches of sleep during the day and wanting to be entertained at night. Newborns are not born with fully developed circadian rhythms, w...
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Common Baby Sleep Problems and What to Do About Them We’re each unique and so are our children. Parents often see this uniqueness reflected in the way their baby sleeps. Some babies arrive ready to be swaddled and have sweet dreams. Others fight sleep day and n...
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Toddler Night Weaning: How Do I Stop the Constant Night Wakings? A mom named Hailey wrote to me and asked me a question about toddler night weaning: “My one-year-old wakes up six times a night. Sometimes it is for his pacifier and sometimes it is for milk...
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Night Weaning My Baby: My Baby Wakes at Night! Please Help! A mom named Melody was desperate for help. She asked, “I need help night weaning my baby!” Here’s what she had to say: “My 11 month old son doesn’t have a problem falling ...
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Hi. I’m Kim West, the Sleep Lady, and in this video I’m going to answer Tiffany’s question about night waking. Here’s what she wrote in: “I cannot kick the night wakings of my nine-month-old. Our daughter is obsessed with her bottle whether hungry or not ...
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I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and in this video I’m going to answer Debbie’s question about her 11-month-old who wakes up at night. Here’s what she wrote in: My 11 month-old son knows how to go to sleep on his own although there are times when he refuses. Then ...
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