Daylight Saving Tips— Two Ways to Fall Back Daylight Saving Time will end on Sunday, November 7th, 2021 in the U.S. I remember when “falling back” just meant an extra hour of sleep! When you become a parent it can mean schedules that are thrown off, your ...
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Tired Moms—5 Tips to Get Your Beauty Sleep Tonight! Hey tired moms! It’s okay to talk about something other than our babies. While it’s no surprise that a lack of sleep can have serious consequences for your health, the researchers at University Hospitals...
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Sleep Deprivation in New Parents: Learn All About Newborn Sleep When you prepare for your baby, you make sure everything is in order, right down to your baby’s sleeping arrangements. You make sure that you have washed her clothes, set up the changing table, and...
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After experiencing the usual sleep disruptions that come with having babies and children, some parents find their internal clocks waking them up every few hours, even after the baby sleeps soundly and has learned to stay asleep. Some parents awake with jolts of...
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The Security Blanket: The Power of the Blankie for Baby Sleep Moms are always asking me how I get my children (and also my client’s children) to sleep so well. My response is that I am a firm believer in the power of the blankie. Sure, newborn babie...
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Older Sibling Sleep Regression — 7 Ways Dad can Help When you are expecting an addition to your family you prepare to sleep less, shower less, and generally have less “alone” time. You know the upcoming days with a newborn in the house will be treasured b...
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Sleep Regression After a New Sibling Arrives? Getting Back on Schedule Once children learn to sleep well, they can take change in stride. They can become, as one mom called her toddler, an “Olympic sleeper.” Some kids do get thrown off by common chi...
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Stop Swaddling Your Baby? Answering the Controversial Question When your baby is in the hospital, your nurse hands her to you neatly swaddled, peaceful, and rested baby. Many parents take a class before their baby is born to learn how to properly care for baby,...
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Quiet Time for Toddlers: Tips for Dropping the Afternoon Nap As much as we parents would love for our babies to stay babies, they grow up so quickly. And part of this growth involves changes in their established sleep patterns, most notably, naps. Most children...
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The 4-month sleep regression is a normal, temporary phase in your baby’s development. It occurs as their sleep cycles mature, leading to lighter sleep, frequent wake-ups, and increased fussiness. While exhausting, it’s an opportunity to establish healthy sleep ...
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