
Author: Kim West, MSW, Mom of 2, creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle

The Top 16 Sleep Lady Blog Posts of 2016

As 2016 draws to a close, I thought it would be fun to take a look back at the different sleep issues I tackled this year.I covered baby, toddler, and even parent sleep, as well as multiple sleep challenges such as coaching twins, night terrors, and those ever-...
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holiday sleep tips

Baby Sleep: My Top 4 Holiday Sleep Tips

Baby Sleep: My Top 4 Holiday Sleep Tips The holidays are quickly approaching, and while they are some of the most joyous times we can experience with our family, they can also be some of the most stressful times. This is especially true with young children whos...
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Baby Sleep Coaching and Project Night Night by Sleep

Can you imagine not knowing where you will lay your head tonight? Or tomorrow night? Or next week? What if you had to leave all belongings behind when you were evicted because you had no space to call your own? What if you were a young child in this situation a...
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5 Tips for Bringing the Calm Back to Your Mornings

I encourage you to visit Katie Holloran, MA, BCBA at http://www.behavioristnextdoor.com or on Facebook  for more tips, resources, and information on sleep coaching. As a parent myself, I find these 5 tips to be the most helpful in getting back on track when my ...
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