
Author: Kim West, MSW, Mom of 2, creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle

Sleep and Toddler Tantrums

Any parent with a toddler (especially a 2 or 3 year old) has been through a tantrum. Sometimes you can see them coming, and sometimes, they take you by surprise. I recently talked to a mom who was out at the grocery store with her toddler, so she was trying to ...
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Newborn Sleep: How much is enough?

New parents are often taken by surprise by their newborn baby’s sleep patterns. Parents may wonder whether their baby is sleeping enough, or find themselves questioning how much day versus night sleep they should be getting. With the overabundance of informatio...
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Is My Baby's Early Rising Caused by Hunger?

Would you like to have me answer your early rising question in my next video? If so, scroll down and submit your question in the comment section below. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog! Hi. I’m Kim West, The S...
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The 10 Best Bedtime Stories

It’s National Children’s Book week, and in honor of that, I thought I’d do a round up of some of our parent’s (and my) favorite bedtime stories. From the tried and true to the newer titles, I know that there’s a book in here for every mom and every child. Let’s...
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Baby-Proof Your Nursery | Wonder Bumpers Giveaway

When you’re preparing (and baby-proofing!) your nursery, many times parents worry about the “big” things, such as anchored furniture, outlets, and sharp edges. Often, though, I think that we miss the little things, such as window treatments, crib bumpers, soft ...
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Wonder Bumpers Giveaway

Sleep safety is something that every parent needs to take very seriously. Many newborns can sleep up to 18 hours a day. That’s a lot of time spent sleeping! While the amount of sleep your child needs as she grows does decrease, it’s replaced by rapid developmen...
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Sleep Training As A Single Parent

Would you like to have me answer your sleep training questions in my next video? If so, scroll down and submit your question in the comment section below. I will pick several questions a month to answer and post them here on the blog! Hi, I’m Kim West, th...
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Why You Should Wait to Sleep Coach

If you’re a parent, chances are that you’ve struggled to help your child sleep at some point. If you’re baby is experiencing sleep problems, chances are that you are, too. And while I know that you’re eager to get your baby into good sleep habits, jumping into ...
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Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety and Your Baby’s Sleep

Just last week your baby was the life of the party. She loved being passed around to grandma, your neighbors, and smiled that adorable smile at everyone in the grocery store. Today, though? She’s clingy, fussy, and screams for you whenever anyone, even your par...
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Stranger Anxiety in Babies

When your baby first comes home, he does not have a sense of self. In a nutshell, he thinks that you are he and he is you. He smiles at the feet and hands he sees waving without realizing that they’re his. As your baby grows and becomes more aware, he gradually...
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