Sleep Regressions at All Ages — What to Do When Sleep Stops
You have followed all the steps, and maybe done the Shuffle for a week here and there. You have a baby who sleeps well. Then it happens. The dreaded sleep regression. Common at many ages and for many reasons, sleep regression is the single most popular baby sleep topic at We have put together a handy list of articles with great advice about sleep regressions at all ages. If you’re struggling with a sudden setback, scroll through for an article that is age-appropriate now. If things are going well, bookmark this page for later — there’s bound to be a moment in the future where you need a little extra help getting back your restful nights. Find out:
- What’s a sleep regression?
- When will it end?
- Sleep regressions at all ages
Sleep Regressions at All Ages: Just a Phase?
We’ve all been there. Baby has been peacefully sleeping through the night, and, consequently, so is everyone else. Hooray! And then, out of the blue, your sweet baby is up at all hours, wanting to be soothed, fed, and crying. What happened? Many refer to these short episodes as a Sleep Regression.
Want to read more about sleep regressions?
Read: Sleep Regressions — What Are They, and When Will They End?
When Will My Baby’s Sleep Regression End?
If you’re asking yourself this question, chances are that you’ve been short on sleep, and so has your very cranky, sleep-fighting baby. Sleep regressions at all ages are difficult, but thankfully most children (not all, but most) don’t experience every sleep regression. If they did, no one would sleep during the first two years!
Want to get back to bed?
Read: Sleep Regression: When, Why, and How to Solve It!
4 Month Sleep Regression
You’ve got the schedule down. Baby is FINALLY sleeping more… and then, WHAM! Suddenly she’s not. Welcome to what is commonly referred to as the 4 month sleep regression. Some may refer to this phase as increased wakefulness, but it all amounts to the same thing — you and baby have newly found your groove, and now baby just isn’t acting like herself.
Here’s some more about the 4 month sleep regression:
Read: 4 Month Sleep Regression – Tips To Soothe Your Baby
Get the sleep help your family need with one-on-one help with a certified, trained Gentle Sleep Coach.
Pre-Toddler Sleep Regression
I’m not going to claim that all babies experience a sleep regression (or two), but most do. And if there is one sleep regression period that seems to be abundantly common, it’s when babies learn to crawl and/or pull themselves to a standing position. This is a huge step in their gross motor development, and opens an entirely unexplored world. Of course they don’t want to sleep, and therefore, parents experience some very common baby sleep problems.
The pre-toddler sleep regression happens somewhere around 9 months-old.
Read: The 9 Month Sleep Regression — When Your Baby Stops Sleeping
The 18 Month Sleep Regression
You were sleeping peacefully…and then you hear your toddler. He’s not just rustling around resettling. He’s screaming mad. Literally. As you drag yourself out of bed, you wonder to yourself what’s wrong? What could be causing your toddler sleep problems? Could this be two-year molars? An ear infection? Is he gassy from eating too much broccoli at dinner? Is his newfound walking (or running!) causing this?
The answer: It could truly be any of the above. But it could also be yet another sleep regression.
Are you dealing with the 18-month sleep regression?
Read: 18 Month Sleep Regression: How To Get Your Toddler Back To Sleep

The 2-Year Sleep Regression
Many parents breathe a sigh of relief once their child hits the toddler years. But then you’re dealing with molars, budding independence, and (for some) potty training. Logically, we think that development keeps moving forward, but when it comes to two-year-olds, you’ll notice that there’s a bit of backsliding as they learn new skills and grow up a bit, which includes the potential for another sleep regression.
Wondering about the 2 year sleep regression?
Read: The 2-Year Sleep Regression – How to Get Your Child Back to Sleep
Sleep Regressions at All Ages? Use The Shuffle!
If you have already mastered The Shuffle, you can return to a shortened version to get back on track. If you haven’t done any sleep coaching, and would now like to address your child’s sleep, consider using The Shuffle after the regression. You can find help at The Sleep Lady through books, our courses, or a Certified Gentle Sleep coach online or near you.