
Category: Early Rising

sleep apnea wakes up

Is Sleep Apnea Waking Up my Child? Addressing Early Rising

Is Sleep Apnea Waking Up my Child? Addressing Early Rising A mom who has successfully sleep trained her children with The Shuffle wrote in a question about sleep apnea waking up her son: “You helped my family tremendously 5 years ago when my twins were a year o...
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baby and child sleep questions

Baby and Child Sleep Questions: Your Questions, Answered

Baby and Child Sleep Questions: Your Questions, Answered Are you trying to get your 8-month-old to  nap? Do you have a 4-year-old Houdini who needs to stay in his bed? We get so many baby and child sleep questions, and many of them are repeated often. As a...
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early rising baby

Early Rising Baby: Tips for When Your Baby is Up Too Early

Early Rising Baby: Tips for When Your Baby is Up Too Early So many babies between six and twelve months are starting to sleep in longer stretches over night. Parents are ecstatic that their baby is “sleeping through the night,” until they wake at the literal cr...
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Sneaky Causes of Early Rising — What Can You Do?

Sneaky Causes of Early Rising — What Can You Do? A reader wrote in a great question about the causes of early rising. “Hi there. My baby girl has just turned 7 months and her sleeping patterns are rapidly going downhill. From 4 1/2 to 6 months, she was sl...
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newborn sleep schedule

Newborn Sleep Schedule: What You Can Do for Some Sleep

Newborn Sleep Schedule: What You Can Do for Some Sleep For anyone looking for the answer to the question, “What does a newborn sleep schedule look like?” The answer is simple: There isn’t such a thing as a “normal” newborn sleep schedule. That’s probably not th...
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early rising toddler

Early Rising in Toddlers: Tips to Stop Early Wake-Ups

Why does my toddler wake up too early? The four main causes of early rising toddlers are: Bedtime is too late Nap deprivation Staying up too long between the end of his afternoon nap and going to bed — try not to let the interval exceed four hours Going t...
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