Gentle Sleep Tips
Gentle Sleep Tips Blog
Facing some serious sleep deprivation? We are here to help with our top gentle sleep tips. Kim West LCSW-C, the creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle℠ and mom of two, has 25 years of experience in sleep training. She has seen everything and there’s no sleep problem too hard for her to solve.
Our gentle sleep tips blog was created by Kim for parents with children as old as 6 years old, right down to newborns. From sleep training questions to weaning, daily schedules, co-sleeping, naps and so much more, we are sure there’s an answer to your sleep questions below!
For more than 25 years, we have been on a mission to provide
proven, achievable, gentle sleep tips and solutions for parents and families everywhere.
Cosleeping Toddler: Teaching Independent Sleep in Your Bed At some point, everyone needs to learn to put themselves to sleep, and that includes your cosleeping toddler. The point of cosleeping is to allow everyone in the family to sleep well. That also means th...
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Safe Cosleeping: Creating a Safe Environment for your Baby
Safe Cosleeping: Creating a Safe Environment for your Baby How you choose to sleep is personal, and if you choose to co-sleep, there are a few things you need to know in order to be safe and secure. Parents need to ask themselves a few questions before they mak...
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Cosleeping and Sleeping Through the Night — Is It Possible?
Cosleeping and Sleeping Through the Night — Is It Possible? “We have been co-sleeping with our 8-month old son for some time now. We did try CIO originally but stopped because we were so uncomfortable with it, and since then we’ve been sharing...
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Bottle Weaning – Saying “Bye Bye” to the Bottle for Good
Bottle Weaning – Saying “Bye Bye” to the Bottle for Good There are so many factors that affect baby and toddler sleep. If your toddler (or even preschooler) is using a bottle at naps, bedtime, or to re-settle overnight, then he or she might be...
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Common Baby Sleep Problems and What to Do About Them
Common Baby Sleep Problems and What to Do About Them We’re each unique and so are our children. Parents often see this uniqueness reflected in the way their baby sleeps. Some babies arrive ready to be swaddled and have sweet dreams. Others fight sleep day and n...
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Toddler Night Weaning: How Do I Stop the Constant Night Wakings?
Toddler Night Weaning: How Do I Stop the Constant Night Wakings? A mom named Hailey wrote to me and asked me a question about toddler night weaning: “My one-year-old wakes up six times a night. Sometimes it is for his pacifier and sometimes it is for milk...
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Night Weaning My Baby: My Baby Wakes All Night! Please Help!
Night Weaning My Baby: My Baby Wakes at Night! Please Help! A mom named Melody was desperate for help. She asked, “I need help night weaning my baby!” Here’s what she had to say: “My 11 month old son doesn’t have a problem falling ...
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The 9 Month Sleep Regression: When Your Baby Stops Sleeping
The 9 Month Sleep Regression:When Your Baby Stops Sleeping You’ve been here before. Suddenly your baby is resisting naps, waking up at night, and you’re tired! It probably feels like it came out of nowhere, but around nine months is a very common time for...
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The 3 year Sleep Regression: What to Expect From Your Preschooler
The 3 year Sleep Regression: What to Expect From Your Preschooler Congratulations! You’ve made it out of the phase of intense and frequent sleep regressions. Yes, your child’s sleep will sometimes be affected by major changes for the rest of their ...
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Back-To-School Routines for your Special Needs Child with Checklists
Back-To-School Routines for your Special Needs Child with Checklists As parents at the end of summer — for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere — it’s easy to put off the bedtime routine piece of our back-to-school checklist until the very last mo...
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