Gentle Sleep Tips
Gentle Sleep Tips Blog
Facing some serious sleep deprivation? We are here to help with our top gentle sleep tips. Kim West LCSW-C, the creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle℠ and mom of two, has 25 years of experience in sleep training. She has seen everything and there’s no sleep problem too hard for her to solve.
Our gentle sleep tips blog was created by Kim for parents with children as old as 6 years old, right down to newborns. From sleep training questions to weaning, daily schedules, co-sleeping, naps and so much more, we are sure there’s an answer to your sleep questions below!
For more than 25 years, we have been on a mission to provide
proven, achievable, gentle sleep tips and solutions for parents and families everywhere.
Excerpt from the Updated and Expanded version of “Good Night, Sleep Tight” The Secret Language of Babies Babies have a lot of different cries. I have been fascinated by Priscilla Dunstan’s work on baby sounds, and many families have found it v...
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Communication is Key to Stop Bedwetting
Every day, 5 million American children wake up not knowing if their bed will be wet or dry. Many of these children feel embarrassed and ashamed-and some are punished. Bedwetting is almost as common as asthma, but it is often not discussed, even with doctors, be...
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Nightmares or Night Terrors – Toddlers’ Sleep May Need Monitoring
Nightmares and night terrors are confusing in both cause and treatment. Knowing the difference between the two is the key to determine the best way to handle each episode. Nightmares occur during REM sleep, which happens near the end of our sleep period. When c...
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Baby Sleep: A Drowsy Baby is a Baby Ready For Bed
People always ask how they can help their baby sleep. Often in my book, “Good Night, Sleep Tight”, I will instruct you to put your baby down to sleep when she is “drowsy but awake” so she can learn to do that last part of falling asleep ...
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One Nap Or Two? How Often Should my Toddler or Baby Nap
Consolidating from two naps to one is a major physical and psychological transition, with almost all children passing through the “one nap is too little, two naps is too much” phase. All we can do is try to make the transition as smooth as possible,...
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Baby Colds: How The Sniffles Can Mess Up Your Baby’s Sleep Patterns
Baby Colds: How The Sniffles Can Mess Up Your Baby’s Sleep Patterns Guest Post by Lewis J. Kass, MD For those of us who were forced to take physics in high school or college, you may recall a physical property related to the flow of air through a tube. That pro...
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10 Tips for Pleasing Your Picky Eater
10 Tips for Pleasing Your Picky Eater, by Karen Mahan, BS, MS- Guest Blogger Being a picky eater is part of what it means to be a toddler. There are developmental reasons why kids between one and three years of age peck and poke at their food. After a year of r...
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Potty Training Tips While Preserving Your Child’s Sleep
Parents often have a lot of questions about toilet training and how it interacts with sleep. You’ll learn: The “potty training window” Start potty training in the daytime Use pullups for naps and sleep for now Avoiding the potty as a bedtime s...
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A Guide to Getting Baby To Nap at Daycare
In my work with parents, I constantly stress the need to be consistent. But consistency isn’t always possible if babysitters, nannies, child care centers or grandmas are also involved with your child’s sleep. To the extent possible, work with these ...
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Toddler Sleep Solutions: The Crib to Bed Transition
All too often, parents rush to get their child out of a crib or into a bed, as though it were a sign of achievement, maturity, or their guaranteed success as adults, some act like it’s the ultimate toddler sleep solution. One woman I worked with even repo...
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