Gentle Sleep Tips
Gentle Sleep Tips Blog
Facing some serious sleep deprivation? We are here to help with our top gentle sleep tips. Kim West LCSW-C, the creator of The Sleep Lady Shuffle℠ and mom of two, has 25 years of experience in sleep training. She has seen everything and there’s no sleep problem too hard for her to solve.
Our gentle sleep tips blog was created by Kim for parents with children as old as 6 years old, right down to newborns. From sleep training questions to weaning, daily schedules, co-sleeping, naps and so much more, we are sure there’s an answer to your sleep questions below!
For more than 25 years, we have been on a mission to provide
proven, achievable, gentle sleep tips and solutions for parents and families everywhere.
Here are some tips to safe sleeping recommendations. Most of the information is from the American Academy of Pediatrics and First Candle. I’d like to emphasize that this advice is primarily for healthy infants. Always talk to your doctor, particularly if your c...
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The Sleep Lady’s Philosophy
As a clinical social worker in private practice for 18 years I have been counseling families on a wide variety of parenting issues from dealing with tantrums, discipline, bottle weaning to of course, sleep. Over the last 14 years families have sought me out to ...
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Baby Sleep: Safe Sleep Recommendations
Here are some tips for baby safety, specifically safe baby sleep. Most of the information is from the American Academy of Pediatrics and First Candle. I’d like to emphasize that this advice is primarily for healthy infants. Always talk to your doctor, particula...
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Second baby coming! How Long Should We Roomshare?!
“I’m pregnant with my second child. My son will be 3 when the new baby comes. He is a great sleeper. We live in a small 2 bedroom townhouse.. so my concern is how long should the baby roomshare with my husband and I before moving the 2 kids to the s...
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Toddler Sleep: How to Deal With Early Rising and Reducing Naps
Thank you for all the great questions you are sending in!! Keep’ em coming! This week I am combining two questions about transitioning from 2 naps to 1: Our 19 month old son seems to be transitioning from 2 naps to 1 nap. Are there any ways to make this e...
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Baby Sleep Tips: Your Baby Needs a Soothing Bedtime Routine
Baby Sleep Tips: Sleep Secret #13: Your baby needs a soothing bedtime routine. A soothing bedtime routine will tell her that its time to slow down (this baby sleep tip is actually not a huge secret, but more common sense). The ideal pre-sleep ritual for a baby ...
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Baby Sleep Tips: Creating A Sleep Friendly Bedroom
Secret #12 -Your Baby will rest best in a "sleep-friendly" room.
Its fun to decorate nursery: the sweet bedding! adorable toys! lovely shower
Go ahead and make your baby's room as cute as can be, but be sure to
incorporate a few elem...
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Baby Sleep Tips: How Long Does it Take A Child to Go to Sleep?
Baby Sleep Tips: Baby Sleep Secret #2- It takes an average of 15 to 20 minutes to go to sleep This one may surprise you. Did you know that this average applies to both grown-up and baby sleep alike? Experts say that if you’re “asleep before your hea...
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Consistency is Your Key to Baby and Toddler Sleep Coaching Success!
We all know it is important to be consistent in parenting but it’s hard to be 100% consistent- especially in the middle of the night when we are tired and not thinking clearly (and you’re in the middle of sleep coaching). Parents need to begin by ta...
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Baby Sleep Tip: It’s Quality AND Quantity Sleep that Matters!
Baby Sleep Tip: Secret #5 -Both quality and quantity of baby sleep matter This means getting: The right kind of sleep This means unfragmented, uninterrupted and “motionless.” Don’t wake your baby to eat unless he physically needs to eat, and n...
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